Ethical issues

Cards (6)

  • Ethical issues
    The British Sociological Association sets out ethical guidelines for the conduct of research.
  • Informed consent
    Research participants should be offered the right to refuse to be involved. The researcher must give them a full debrief of what the research will entail so that they can make an informed decision. Consent must be obtained before research begins.
  • confidentiality and privacy
    researchers should keep the identity of research participants secret to prevent possible negative effects on them. the researcher can hide their name using a pseudonym. they must also keep their data confidential.
  • harm to research participants
    researchers should keep their participant3s away from any harm, including:
    • harm to employment
    • social exclusion
    • psychological damage
  • vulnerable groups
    groups such as the elderly, the young, and the disabled should be protected. they should obtain consent from the parent of the child.
  • covert research
    when a researchers identity and research purpose is concealed from the participants.
    this can create serious ethical issues of deception.
    it is impossible to gain consent through covert research.
    use of covert research might be justified in certain circumstances such as gaining access into secretive or dangerous groups.