Unsegmented, elongated, and cylindrical worms, with both ends often pointed
Size may vary from <5mm up to 1 meter
Body is covered with a tough cuticle/integument that lines the buccal cavity, esophagus, vagina, excretory pore, cloaca, and rectum
Lack a circulatory system
Have a complete digestive system
Can be classified according to their habitat
Absorb oxygen through their skin via diffusion
Have 2 sensory organs: Amphids (found at the anterior end, all nematodes have this) and Phasmids (found at the posterior end, not all nematodes have this)
Aphasmid nematodes include Trichinella, Trichuris, and Capillaria
Possess a complete reproductive system, most are dioecious but some can be parthenogenetic
Posterior ends of male nematodes are usually curved and function to hold the female during copulation