The Magna Carta and the Habeas Corpus: The Magna Carta means "Great Charter", It's a charter of rights for the barons, the bishops and the common man, It was made in 1215, It was made to settle the conflicts with the King, it guaranteed the freedom of the Church, restricted taxes and fines, It promised justice to all (fairness and equity), It guaranteed that no person should be imprisoned, deprived of his property or outlawed (= banni), except by the lawful judgments of his peers or by the law of the land, That was the foundation of democracy, The English Crown was more powerful, but not above the law, The Habeas Corpus: First expressed in the Magna Carta, It said that no free man should be ceased, imprisoned, ect before being legally judged, This principle evolved through time, to mean that no person should be deprived of its freedom without a true process of law, The person detained has to be brought before a judge for him to determine whether a person was being legally held or not, It was to prevent from unlawful detentions/imprisonments, It was used during the XIIIth and XIVth century, before it was evolved to the Habeas Corpus Act in 1679