Protoplasm - Described as the " physical basis of life", general term for the living substance including the cytoplasm and nucleus of the cell
Homogenous – as seen in the exoplasm of the amoeba
Granular – as seen in young and undifferentiated cells(immature cells)
Reticular – fine lattice like appearance
Fibrillar – appearance of fine fibril
Most abundant elements of Protoplasm
Protein − Constitutes more than half of the dry weight of the cell
DNA - Genetic material found mainly in the nucleus
RNA - Present both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm; carries message from the nucleus to the cytoplasm & serve as a template for the synthesis of proteins.
Carbohydrates − Provides the chief source of energy of most cells in the form of glucose and glycogen which is the storage form of glucose
Lipids − Major component of the membrane system of the cell and can also serve as an energy source for the cell
Spherical cells- rounded cells
Squamous cells- Flattened scale like elements
Fusiform cells - Spindle shaped with thick middle portions and tapering ends
Stellate cells - Have irregular protoplasmic process and is roughly star shaped
Amorphous cells - Cells without any definite maintained shape