Failure to function adequately

Cards (5)

  • What is failure to function adequetly?
    when someone is unable to cope w demands of everyday life
    - e.g getting up in the morning, eating properly ect.
  • What does failure to function suggest?
    that abnormality is ab how well a person copes w everyday life
  • How do doctors test patients ability to function adequately?
    Global Assessment of Functioning Scale
  • How is the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale measured?
    - 100 = superior function
    - 60 = moderate difficulty in social, occupational functioning
    - 20 = danger of hurting self / others
  • What is one limitation of failure to function adequately as a definition for abnormality?
    - easy to label non-standard life choices as 'abnormal'
    - hard to say when someone is failing to function or whether they have chosen to deviate from social norms, e.g not have a job
    - ppl w alternative lifestyles choose to live off-the-grid
    - ppl who make unusual choices r at risk of being labelled as abnormal