explaining phobias (behavioural)

Cards (10)

  • What is the two-process model?

    states phobias r acquired by classical conditioning & then continue bc of operant conditioning
  • What does the behavioural approach emphasise?
    The role of learning in the acquisition of behaviour
  • Who proposed the two-process model?

  • How does classical conditioning come into play when explaining phobias?
    - learn to associate a neutral stimulus (e.g dog) w smth that alr triggers a fear response (being bitten) triggering a fear response (US)
  • What is an example of evidence of classical conditioning? AO3
    Watson & Rayner created a phobia in a 9-month old baby called 'Little Albert
  • What was the procedure of Watson & Rayner study? AO3

    - whenever presented w white rat they banged an iron bar close to his ear
    - noise = unconditioned stimulus, creating a response of fear
    - rat = neutral stimulus
    - as result of noise rat became conditioned stimulus - conditioned response of fear & panic
  • How are phobias maintained through operant conditioning?

    - mowrer suggested:
    - when you avoid a phobic stimulus we escape the fear of anxiety we would have face.
    - this negatively reinforces the behaviour so it is maintained
    - only way to cure phobia is to face the fear & not avoid the object - breaking negative reinforcement
  • What is one limitation for the behavioural approach to explaining phobias?

    - does not account for cognitive aspects of phobias
    - behavioural explanations geared towards explaining behaviour
    - Not all phobias r avoidance response, e.g irrational beliefs
    - two-process model does not completely explain symptoms of phobias
  • What is one final limitation of two-process model?

    - neglects influence of evolutionary theory
    - phobias have adaptive value, helped our ancestors survive - have become common in pop. through natural selection
    - want to avoid bad situations that put u in danger/ not explained in two-process model
  • What is one strength of behavioural approach to explaining phobias?

    - evidence for link between bad experiences & phobias
    - little Albert study
    - confirms association between stimulus & unconditioned response leading to development of phobia