Reliability and Validity

Cards (13)

  • Reliability - Test-Retest
    Giving the same tests to the same participants on different occasions, then correlated to ensure similarity
  • Reliability - Inter-Observer Reliability

    Having two or more observers ensures behavioural categories are applied in the same way
  • Reliability - Interviews
    using the same interview with each participants
  • Reliability - Experiments

    Method should be easily replicable, so results should be reproducible
  • Reliability - Observations
    Ensure behavioural categories are operationalised, and should have multiple observers (Inter-observer reliability)
  • What is reliability?
    How consistent findings are - producing the same results each time
  • What is Validity?
    Ensure the research is measuring what it sets out to measure
  • Internal Validity

    The extent to which a test measure what it claims or intended to measure
  • External Validity
    The extent to which a finding genuinely applies outside of the research context
  • Ecological validity
    The extent to which a finding applies to other settings or environments
  • Temporal Validity

    The extent to which a finding applies to other time periods
  • Population Validity

    The extent to which the research can be generalised to other cultures and countries
  • Concurrent Validity
    The extend to which a psychological measure elates to an existing similar measure