Artefact analysis

Cards (5)

  • Coding
    Analysing communication through categorisation to turn qualitative data into quantitative data
  • Content analysis
    Form of indirect observation where we use themes and topics to analyse artefacts
    1. Theme generation - create possible themes and categories to analyse artefact with
    2. Analysis - tally or write down themes and categories already created to analyse the artefact
  • Thematic analysis
    Form of indirect observation where we analyse artefacts in order to draw out themes and topics
    1. Familiarisation - viewing the material in order to familiarise self with the content
    2. Theme Generation - creation of themes and categories as they emerge from the material, rather than preconceived ones
    3. Iteration - material is analysed again to review and refine themes, then evidence by quoting the page and line number, etc
  • Strengths of Thematic analysis
    Qualitative data - more detailed so more insight
    Less researcher bias - not actively looking for themes
    Breaks down complex information
  • Weaknesses of Thematic analysis
    Time Consuming
    Harder to cross analyse and compare