The elaboration and interpretation of a sensory stimulus based on knowledge of how objects are structured
The internal surface of the eyes that consists of multiple layers. Some layers contain photoreceptors that convert light to neural signals, and others consist of neurons themselves
Rod cells
Cone cells
Rod cells
A type of photoreceptor specialized for low levels of light intensity, such as those found at night
Cone cells
A type of photoreceptor specialized for high levels of light intensity, such as those found during the day, and specialized for the detection of different wavelengths (color)
The highest concentration of cones is at a point called the fovea, and the level of detail that can be perceived (or visual acuity) is greatest at this point
Receptive Field
The region of a space that elicits a response form a given neuron
Blind spot
The point at which the optic nerve leaves the eye. There are no rods and cones present there
Primary visual cortex (or V1)
The first stage of visual processing in the cortex; the region retains the spatial relationships found on the retina and combines simple visual features into more complex ones
Layers of LGN
Parvocellular layers
Magnocellular layers
Parvocellular layers
Upper 4 layer, small cell bodies, respond to detail and color vision
Magnocellular layers
Lower 2 layer, big cell bodies, more sensitive to movement than color, respond to larger areas of visual field
Konio cell or K
In LGN lies between M and P layers, show less functional specificity then M and P cells, have a different pattern of connectivity
Simple cells
Simple cells respond to different orientations, but also respond to points of light, in V1
Complex cells
Orientation selective too, distinguish from simple cells by larger receptive fields and require stimulation on their entire length, respond to light in a particular orientation, combine the responses of several simple cells
Hypercomplex cells
Outside of V1, combine the responses of several complex cells, unlike complex cells, they are sensitive to length as well as orientation
Cortical blindness
Damage to the visual areas in the brain (V1). Despite having healthy eyes and optic nerves, individuals with cortical blindness are unable to process visual information
Cortical blindness restricted to one half of the visual field (associated with damage to the primary visual cortex in one hemisphere)
Cortical blindness restricted to a quarter of the visual field
A small region of cortical blindness
Retinotopic organization
The receptive fields of a set of neurons are organized in such a way as to reflect the spatial organization present in the retina
A symptom in which the patient reports not being able to consciously see stimuli in a particular region but can nevertheless perform visual discriminations (e.g., long, short) accurately
Ventral stream
In vision, a pathway extending from the occipital lobes to the temporal lobes involved in object recognition, memory and semantics
Dorsal stream
In vision, a pathway extending from the occipital lobes to the parietal lobes involved in visually guided action and attention
Associated with color perception
A failure to perceive color (the world appears in grayscale), not to be confused with color blindness (deficient or absent types of cone cell)
Color constancy
The color of a surface is perceived as constant even when illuminated in different lighting conditions
Associated with motion perception
Biological motion
The ability to detect whether a stimulus is animate or not from movement cues alone
A failure to perceive visual motion
Structural descriptions
A memory representation of the three-dimensional structure of objects
Apperceptive agnosia
A failure to understand the meaning of objects due to a deficit at the level of object perception
Associative agnosia
A failure to understand the meaning of objects due to a deficit at the level of semantic memory