Anglo Saxon and Normandy

    Cards (16)

    • William won the battle at Hastings because he had more cavalry, which allowed him to charge into Harold's shield wall from both sides.
    • The Battle of Hastings was fought on the 14th October 1066
    • Harold died during the battle at Hastings
    • Harold was killed by an arrow through his eye
    • The Battle of Hastings lasted one day
    • Harold Godwinson died during the battle of Hastings
    • After the battle William marched on London and took it without much resistance
    • After William conquered England, he became known as William the Conqueror
    • After William won the battle at Hastings, he marched his army south towards London
    • After the battle William marched northwards towards London
    • London surrendered without resistance as they were scared of what would happen if they didn’t surrender
    • After the battle William marched south towards London
    • In 1075, William ordered that all landowners swear an oath of loyalty to him
    • Edgar Atheling fled to Scotland but returned when William promised not to harm him or his family
    • London surrendered without resistance
    • Edgar Atheling fled to Scotland when William took over England