Cards (4)

    • DSM-5 categories of OCD-
      • OCD- obsessions or compulsions (reoccurring thoughts or behaviours) or both.
      • Trichotillomania- compulsive hair pulling.
      • Hoarding disorder- compulsion of gathering and storing possessions regardless of the value.
      • Excoriation disorder- compulsive skin-picking disorder.
    • Behavioural characteristics-
      • compelled to repeat the behaviour.
      • 10% of people with OCD have compulsions alone, they have no obsession or irrational anxiety.
      • Majority have compulsions driven from their anxious obsession over something (like handwashing will occur due to someone being obsessed over germs).
      • They tend to avoid what makes them anxious to not get triggered or feel the anxiety (fearing germs will avoid going outside and/or touching things).
    • Emotional characteristics of OCD-
      • Powerful emotional experience due to the overwhelming anxiety that the person goes under forcing their compulsions.
      • Often paired with depression so the anxiety can be paired with low mood and lack of enjoyment in activities, the convulsions bring temporary relief.
      • Can be with guilt and disgust over minor issues like a mistake or getting dirty.
    • Cognitive characteristics of OCD-
      • 90% have the cognitive feature of obsessive thoughts.
      • People adopt cognitive coping strategies (someone who thinks their bad will revert to praying/meditating often).
      • They are aware that their obsessions/compulsions are irrational, and this is needed for diagnosis.
      • OCD is when someone reverts to the worst-case scenario, knowing that it is extreme and unlikely to happen, but they obsess over it.