being able to interact in society, cope with everyday stressors + undertake everyday tasks such as personal hygiene, employment, social interactions
high level of resilience
being able to adapt + cope with life challenges to restore positive functioning like "bouncing back" these people tend to have high emotional awareness
high level of social + emotional wellbeing
social= strong communication skills, good at conflict resolution, strong support network, respectful emotional= strong ability to understand/regulate emotions, enjoy life despite occasional disappointments
model of SEWB
comprises, body, mind/emotions, family/kinship, community, culture, country, spirituality/ancestors determinants do not occur in isolation but affect concurrently including social, historical and political determinants
connection to body
physical health, feeling strong, healthy + able to physically participate as fully possible in life
connection to mind + emotions
mental health, ability to manage thoughts, feelings
connection to family/kinship
central to functioning of ATSI societies
connection to community
provides opportunities for individuals or family to connect with each other, support and work together
connection to culture
provides a sense of continuity with the past, helps underpin a strong identity
connection to country
helps underpin identity, sense of belonging
connection to spirituality, ancestors
provides a sense of purpose or meaning
mentally healthy
being in a generally positive state of mental wellbeing, having the ability to cope with or manage lifes challenges
mental health problem
adversely affects the way a person thinks, feels or behaves but typically to a lesser extent/shorter duration of a disorder
mental health disorder
involves a combo of thoughts, feelings, behaviors associated with significant personal distress, which impair the ability to function effectively in everyday life
internal factors
originate inside or within biological - influences not under our control psych- mental processes like thoughts, beliefs, attitudes
external factors
originate outsidesocial- work or school, quality of relationships, support available
holistic approach
each domain has equal importance, specific factors may have more or less influence on mental wellbeing but everything combines, interacts in a complex way
biopsychosocial model
describing how biological, psychological, social factors combine and interact to influence a persons mental health (its holistic) as person is functioning in their unique environment
state of physiological arousal, associated with feelings of worry about the future
excessive or irrational fear of a particular object/ situation, when it starts to cause stress or interfere with normal functioning = phobic disorder
specific phobia
persistent, irrational, intense fear of object/event
inhibitory neurotransmitter in CNS that calms anxiety + makes post synaptic neurons less likely to fire
long term potentiation (LTP)
long lasting strengthening of synaptic connections due to repeated coactivation
medication that alleviates anxiety symptoms, by reducing physiological arousal
breathing retraining
teaching someone how to control their breathing in the presence of phobic stimulus
cognitive bias
tendency to think in a way that involves errors of judgement + faulty decision-making
memory bias
when recall or recognition is stronger for negative/threatening info than positive/neutral info
catastrophic thinking
negatively believing something as more dangerous/threatening than it really is, thinking of the worst outcome