
Cards (11)

  • Sampling-
    Finding a smaller part of the target population to be experimented on, often having some sort of bias in it, but is used to try and achieve generalisable results.
  • Random sampling-
    • Sophisticated form of sampling where all members of the target population have equal chances of being selected.
    • Firstly, a list of all the members is made.
    • Then the names are assigned numbers.
    • A sample is then generated through the use of a lottery method on a computer or picking from a hat.
  • Random sampling-
    • S- High internal validity due to being unbiased.
    • W- Time-consuming to conduct.
    • W- Participants may refuse.
  • Systematic sampling-
    • Participants are chosen mathematically.
    • Using the nth person in the sampling fame for the sample.
    • Through the listing of the sampling frame into alphabetical order then selecting the person every nth number.
    • Keeping the nth number the same and selecting people until the sample is complete.
  • Systematic sampling-
    • S- No influence on who’s chosen once the system is established.
    • W- Time consuming.
    • W- Participants may refuse.
  • Stratified sampling-
    • Sampling frame is divided into groups (strata) that the researcher wants to make sure are represented in the experiment.
    • Then a number of participants from each group is selected, ensuring that each group is proportionally represented in the sample.
  • Stratified sampling-
    • S- Accurately designed to represent the composition of the population.
    • W- Can’t reflect all the ways people are different.
  • Opportunity sampling-
    • Participants are chosen due to convenience 
    • Selected because they have: actively volunteered, local, known to the researcher.
  • Opportunity sampling- evaluations
    • S- Less costly in time and money due to being random and convenient.
    • W- Unrepresentative of the whole population due to being from a certain area.
    • W- Selection may be controlled, by avoiding people on purpose.
  • Volunteer sampling-
    • Self-selecting sample as participants volunteer themselves to be [art of the research].
  • Volunteer sampling- evaluations
    • S- Simple due to the researcher not having to do Anyang to obtain participants.
    • S- Participants are more engaged.
    • W- May attract a certain ‘profile’ of people who are curious and possibly more likely to try to please the researcher.