Finding a smaller part of the target population to be experimented on, often having some sort of bias in it, but is used to try and achieve generalisable results.
Random sampling-
Sophisticated form of sampling where all members of the target population have equal chances of being selected.
Firstly, a list of all the members is made.
Then the names are assigned numbers.
A sample is then generated through the use of a lottery method on a computer or picking from a hat.
Random sampling-
S- High internal validity due to being unbiased.
W- Time-consuming to conduct.
W- Participants may refuse.
Systematic sampling-
Participants are chosen mathematically.
Using the nth person in the sampling fame for the sample.
Through the listing of the sampling frame into alphabetical order then selecting the person every nth number.
Keeping the nth number the same and selecting people until the sample is complete.
Systematic sampling-
S- No influence on who’s chosen once the system is established.
W- Time consuming.
W- Participants may refuse.
Stratified sampling-
Sampling frame is divided into groups (strata) that the researcher wants to make sure are represented in the experiment.
Then a number of participants from each group is selected, ensuring that each group is proportionally represented in the sample.
Stratified sampling-
S- Accurately designed to represent the composition of the population.
W- Can’t reflect all the ways people are different.
Opportunity sampling-
Participants are chosen due to convenience
Selected because they have: actively volunteered, local, known to the researcher.
Opportunity sampling- evaluations
S- Less costly in time and money due to being random and convenient.
W- Unrepresentative of the whole population due to being from a certain area.
W- Selection may be controlled, by avoiding people on purpose.
Volunteer sampling-
Self-selecting sample as participants volunteer themselves to be [art of the research].
Volunteer sampling- evaluations
S- Simple due to the researcher not having to do Anyang to obtain participants.
S- Participants are more engaged.
W- May attract a certain ‘profile’ of people who are curious and possibly more likely to try to please the researcher.