Sign test

Cards (3)

  • The Sign Test-
    • A statistical test determining the significance of a sample related to items.
  • Method-
    1. Find the difference between the 2 sets of numbers, by seeing f it increases or decreases.
    2. Add up all the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ signs, ignoring the row if they remain equal.
    3. The least frequent sign/lowest number becomes the ‘S’ value.
    4. Find the number of significant participants (+ and – added).
  • Method-
    5. Use the critical value table and use the correct column for a directional or non-directional hypothesis (1 or 2 tailed).
    6. Then use the 0.05 column of the right row, go down to the number of participants you have to find the correct critical value.
    7. If the critical value is equal or less than the ‘S’ value, then it is significant. If the ‘S’ value is higher than the critical value, then it has no significance.