chem review pt1

Cards (25)

  • Benzene
    Aromatic group of strangely bonded<|>A ring structure<|>C & H₂ in
  • Benzene formula

  • Phenyl group

    The group attached to benzene
  • Where benzene is found
    • Glues, adhesives, paint strippen, cleaning products, pollutants
  • Benzene is carcinogenic - cancer causing
  • PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
    2 or more fused benzene rings<|>Bioaccumulate
  • Where PAHs are found

    • Tabacco smoke, smoke from wood burning stoves, Some foods
  • PAHs are Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) that bioaccumulate
  • Carboxylic Acids
    • COOH
  • Halogenated Hydrocarbons
    Organic molecules where at least one hydrogen atom has been replaced by a halogen
  • Steps to name halogenated hydrocarbons
    1. Name the parent chain (longest chain of carbons)
    2. Find the halogen atoms
    3. Determine the prefix (-F, -Cl, -Br, -I)
    4. Communicate where and how many of each halogen atom appears on parent chain
    5. If more than one halogen is present, list them in alphabetical order
  • LD50
    The Lethal dose of a substance, when given all at once that kills half of the population tested within a specified time
  • If 200 1kg rats were given 130mg of caffeine, about 50% would die
  • If 80 0.5kg rats were given 12 mg of nicotine, about 50% would die
  • Bioaccumulation
    Contaminant levels increase over time in an organism
  • Biomagnification
    Contaminant levels increase up the food chain
  • Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

    The measure of the amount of oxygen used up by microorganisms (like algae) as they decompose waste
  • High BOD = high amount of organic waste or sewage in water
  • Things that increase BOD: Organic waste, Sewage, Warm temp, Nitrates and phosphates (fertilizer)
  • Ranking water samples from lowest to highest BOD
    1. Sample C
    2. Sample B
    3. Sample A
  • Pollutant types
    • Organic Matter
    • Heavy Metals
    • Dioxins & Furans
    • Pesticides (DDT)
  • Organic Matter
    Animal waste, decaying plants that can deplete oxygen as it decomposes, harming aquatic life (algal blooms)
  • Heavy Metals
    High atomic weight compounds like lead, mercury, highly toxic byproduct of industrial processes
  • Dioxins & Furans
    Persistent environmental pollutants that are carcinogenic and bioaccumulate
  • Pesticides (DDT)

    Carcinogenic or bioaccumulate