engages in non-price competition supported by heavy advertising
what is non-price competition
it differs on the SERVICES provided
Nature of Oligopoly Products
similar; homogenous products
pure oligopoly
Nature of Oligopoly Products
sell similar but non-identical products
Differential Oligopoly
Who are the Price takers?
Perfect Competition
Monopolistic Competition
Who are the Price Makers?
Oligopoly and Monopoly
It is a combination of elastic and inelastic demand curve
expresses price rigidity in the oligopoly market
successive price cuts by rivals as they attempt to maintain their market shares; they compete with lower prices
Price War
the study of how people behave in a strategic situations
wherein, everyone is in a game of chess and they all have poker faces
game theory
a paradox in a decision analysis in which two individuals acting in their own self-interests then do not result in an optimal outcome (non-collusive)
Prisoner's Dilemma
How do you avoid being in a prisoner's dilemma?
o Different firms in the market have some informal or formal agreement regarding pricing, output, division of market & profit sharing
CollusiveOligopolies or Cartels
firms producing the same products; extreme form of of perfect collusion
Perfect cartels
firms share in the market have some informal or formal agreement regarding pricing, output, division of market & profit sharing
Market-sharing cartels
charging an agreed uniform price
quota agreement cartels
combining 2 or more competing firms may substantially increase, their market share
– leading firms in the sector determines the price of goods and services
Price Leadership
this means "one seller"
Ø Sector or industry dominated by one corporation
Ø Extreme result of free-market capitalism wherein absent any restrictions or restraints
Ø Absence of competition
High costs for consumers
Inferior products & services (low quality)
Corrupt behavior
Ø Blocked entry/ High barriers to entry (Government)
Ø Secured monopolist status
o It exists when a single firm is the sole producer of a product or service & there are no close substitutes
pure monopoly
o Most efficient number of firms in the industry is ONE.
regulated or national monopoly
what kind of monopoly is an utilities provider?
national monopoly
o Has almost absolute monopoly or has significantly high power over an industry
near monopoly
o When the market is so limited that it doesn’t make sense for anyone besides a single seller to enter the market to the point any additional people or companies wouldn’t make a profit
geographic monopoly
what does monopoly want to achieve?
monopolies seek to achieve MAXIMUM PROFIT not maximum price per unit
a situation where there is one buyer and many sellers (E.G. Government)
a state wherein resources are apportioned among industries and firms to yield the mix of products and services that is most wanted by society.
Allocative efficiency
when an economy has its resources and goods allocated to the maximum efficiency level, and no change can be made without making someone worse off