Behaviourist approach

Cards (4)

  • Assumptions-
    • we’re born with a ‘blank slate’ (‘tabula rosa’), since everything we become is shaped by the processes that we learn from ur environment
    • extreme ‘nurture’ from nature vs nurture debate
    • observable behaviour that can be measured through lab experiments
    • Darwins idea that learning is the same in all species, meaning animals could replace humans as subjects
  • Classical conditioning-
    • Pavlovs dogs -1927- dogs conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell
    • timing- has to be near the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned response to create a link
    • extinction- conditioning will fade overtime
    • spontaneous recovery- without repair you can still achieve the conditioned response
    • stimulus generalisation- phobia generalises to other similar things
  • Operant conditioning-
    • Skinners box -1953- rat press a button to get food, repeated due to positive response
    • learning through consequences
    • schedules of reinforcements
    • continuous reinforcement schedule, helps establish a response
    • partial reinforcement schedules, helps avoid extinction and maintains the response
  • Evaluation-
    • CPS- based well on controlled research, giving scientific credibility
    • CPW- oversimplifies the learning process through reducing behaviours into simple components
    • S- conditioned have been applies to the real world behaviours/problems giving broad application
    • S- highly controlled experiment
    • W- views all behaviour as conditioned by the past conditioning, not thinking about free will
    • W- ethical issues of using animals
    • W- different species used and compared (dogs and rats and humans)