learning occurs directly from classical and operant conditioning
Vicarious reinforcement-
reinforcement which is indirectly experienced
occurs through observing someone else being reinforced for a behaviour
Meditational processes role-
mental processes play a role in learning, they meditate whether a new response is needed
process of: attention, retention, motor reproduction, motivation
first 2 are learning, last 2 are performance
imitation of people you identify with
having a role model then ‘modelling’
role models are similar to the person, and have desirable quality of height/status/attractive.
Bandura’s research-
woman beating up a bodo doll, with a child watching
child then left to play with the doll and repeated the behaviour that they had seen (aggressive)
children then behaviour more aggressive towards toys
Bandura and Walter’s- aggressive adult, praised/punished/no consequences, when alone 1st and 3rd showed more aggression
CPS- recognises cognitive factors, classical/operant conditioning are inadequate alone
CPW- ignores biological factors, biological differences make learning potential, determined by environment, observational- result of mirror neuron's allowing imitations
S- real world application through cultural differences in behaviour and how cultural norms are transmitted through media
W- lab studies criticised by demand characteristics- Bodo dolls are supposed to be punched, limited application to learning of daily life
Social Learning Theory-
Mediation process-
Occur between the stimulus and response being an internal cognitive process that influences learning