Cognitive approach

Cards (6)

  • Cognitive approach-
    • study of internal mental processes
    • the role of the scheme and use of theoretical/computer models t explain/make inferences about mental processes
    • the emergence of cognitive neuroscience
  • Assumptions-
    • psychologists should study the entire mental processes- thoughts and information processing
    • mental processes should be studied scientifically using imperial methods
    • psychologists should make inferences on cognitive processes
  • Schema-
    • mental frame works that affects personal believes/experiences
    • used to process lots of information quickly
    • help predicts events based on pat experiences
    • prevents overwhelming stimuli
    • can have: misinterpretations, perceptual errors, negative/faulty schema
  • Computer models-
    • similar to brains in the way information is processed
    • central processing unit is the brain
    • coding is the information put in a usable format
    • stores hold information
    • models are useful in helping make AI
  • Evaluations-
    • S- real world application- applies to AI, depression and eye witness testimony
    • W- machine reductionism - computers ignore the complexity of the human brain (ignores the influence of emotions), weakening validity
    • W- self-report affects the reliability
    • W- mental event can also cause different behaviours
    • W- based on soft determinism (internal/external/free will), hard determinism (factors other than our will like genetics)
  • Evaluations-
    • CPS- scientific methods of lab studies give reliable objective data, giving a creditable scientific base
    • CPW-use of inference and artificial stimuli give low external validity