english 2

Cards (36)

  • Ebeneezer Scrooge
    Character used by Dickens to criticise the divide between those who have money, and those who do not
  • We follow the change in the character of Scrooge
    We learn as a reader that we can change too
  • Scrooge
    • Lonely character at the start of the novella
    • Described as 'sole' in relation to Marley, emphasising his solitary nature
  • Simile 'Hard and sharp as flint'

    Suggests Scrooge lacks warmth, empathy and compassion<|>Implies Scrooge has no mercy towards others<|>Flint can create fire, suggesting potential for warmth within Scrooge
  • Simile 'solitary as an oyster'
    Suggests Scrooge has a tough, hard exterior and is closed to others<|>Emphasises how he has chosen to isolate himself<|>Suggests there may be more to be discovered within Scrooge, like a pearl in an oyster
  • The reader begins to feel empathy for Scrooge

    When he returns to an almost childlike state in the presence of the Ghost of Christmas Past
  • Simile 'solitary child, neglected by his friends'
    Develops the reader's empathy towards the young Scrooge
  • Scrooge 'sobbed' in response to the Ghost noting his neglect, signifying the start of his transformation
  • Dickens is inviting the reader to develop an interest in Scrooge's transformation and to celebrate with him at the end of the novella
  • Scrooge's attitude is changing
    He is prepared for the lessons that await him
  • Dickens signals an important moment in Scrooge's character arc when he shows empathy towards Tiny Tim
  • Declarative sentences when Scrooge vows to 'honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year'
    Emphasises the significance of this moment and adds a tone of solemnity
  • Similes 'I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school-boy'

    Heighten the contrast with the earlier 'oyster' and 'flint' similes<|>Imply Scrooge has cast off the chains of his earlier way of life<|>Connote freedom, goodness and happiness
  • Scrooge's spiritual journey is complete and the reader is left with the understanding that people can change
  • Society is a better place if we all look out for one another
  • Solitary as an oyster
    Scrooge is presented as being lonely, but this loneliness is forced and not voluntary
  • The hard outer shell of the oyster
    Represents the belief system of capitalism that controls and confines Scrooge
  • The ghosts/spirits
    Chip away at Scrooge's belief in capitalism, breaking the hard outer shell
  • Smooth white sheet of snow upon the roof

    Represents the comfortable, untouched lives of the rich and upper class
  • Dirtiest snow upon the ground
    Represents the struggles and hardships of the poor and lower class
  • The snow on the roof vs the snow on the ground
    Symbolises the injustice and inequality in society, where the rich are disconnected from the struggles of the poor
  • Scrooge
    Embodies the capitalist system and the injustice of society, being like the untouched snow on the roof
  • The Cratchit family
    Represent the struggling, trampled-upon snow on the ground, but find more joy and meaning in life than the wealthy Scrooge
  • snow on the roof you might not even notice it so here guys this is a very important point even though it's rich on upper class guys it has no importance and I don't mean important in the money sense I mean in the importance of real life the snow upon the ground that is what people use to do what guys that is what people use to have fun that is what people use to have good relationships snow fights and so on
  • Scrooge he sits there like the snow upon the roof rich nice house untouched no problems on the surface
    The Cratchit family struggling for food struggling for money have a very very tough life just the way the snow on the ground does
  • Scrooge has nothing but money
    He feels empty
  • Scrooge is a character who embodies the belief of capitalism
    He only cares about himself and he only cares about his money
  • Despite the fact that Scrooge represents an untouched perfect sheet of snow
    Nobody cares about him, no love no affection no relationships
  • Despite the fact that the poor people on the ground are having a tough life have no money
    Those people they have love and they have affection
  • Money isn't the most important thing because in this text human relationship the idea of the atmosphere created through Christmas is far more important than sitting and staring at your back balance going up and up and up and up and up
  • This quote is a warning that is shown to the character of Scrooge
  • Scrooge does feel regret when he sees the Cratchit family and he sees us going on he starts to think that maybe maybe I shouldn't be this harsh
  • Regret is not enough because regret cannot change opportunity missed, you have to actually change
  • Scrooge shows us the importance of a second chance, Scrooge shows us the importance of redemption
  • Change is a process, it does not happen overnight
  • Everyone deserves a second chance, everyone deserves a chance at Redemption because it is never too late to change