The word integer, which means whole or intact, is a special set of numbers comprising zero, positive numbers and negative numbers.
Percentage - part or proportion of the base, usually beside the word "is"
Rate - also called percent which has the (%) sign
Base- the entire original amount, usually comes after the word "of"
The word "of" represents multiplication
The word "is" represents equals
To find the percentage you need to find the base
P = R x B
R = P ÷ B
B = P ÷ R
Positive + Positive = Positive
Negative + Negative = Negative
Positive + Negative = the larger sign of the absolute value number
Change the sign from "+" to "-" if there are different integer signs
2n + 3 = is a algebraic equation
3r + 2 is a algebraic expression
2n + 3
2n is the coefficient
Variable is an alphabet or term that represents an unknown number or unknown value
Volume of a Cone Formula
V = (1/3)πr²h, where V is the volume, r is the radius, and h is the height
Volume of a Sphere Formula
V = (4/3)πr³, where V is the volume and r is the radius
Volume of a Rectangular Prism
V = l × w × h, where V is the volume, l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height
Volume of a Cube Formula
V = s³, where V is the volume and s is the side length
Volume of a Rectangular Pyramid Formula
V = (1/3)lwh,
Volume of a Cylinder Formula
V = πr²h, where V is the volume, r is the radius, and h is the height
Definition of Volume
The amount of 3D space a shape occupies or the amount of material it contains, typically measured in units such as cubic centimeters (cm³), cubic meters (m³), or liters (L)
A unit of volume, equal to the volume of a cube with 1 meter (m) on each side, equivalent to 1000 liters (L) or 1,000,000 cubic centimeters (cm³)
Partitive Proportion
A method of solving percent problems by dividing the part being measured from the whole, and then multiplying by 100 to find the percentage, using the formula Part / Whole = (Part / 100)
Inverse Proportion
A relationship between two variables where as one variable increases, the other decreases, and vice versa, described by the equation y = k/x, where y is the decreasing variable and x is the increasing variable
Direct Proportion
A relationship between two variables where as one variable increases, the other also increases, and vice versa, described by the equation y = kx, where y is the increasing variable and x is the increasing variable
The distance around a circle, calculated by 2 * π * Radius or π * Diameter
The longest distance across a circle, passing through its center
a set of points equidistant from a central point (the center)
The point where the circle's diameter is vertical
A region of the circle bounded by a central angle and a chord
A part of the circle's circumference, measured in degrees or radians
A line segment within the circle, connecting two points on its edge