Troposphere- lowest layer of the atmosphere from 0-10 km above, contains 75% and 99% of the atmosphere's mass and water vapor
Stratosphere- 50 km above, airplanes can fly, jet and hot air balloons can climb up to 30 km, ozone layer can be found
Mesosphere- 50-85 km above ground, temperature can fall down to -90 degree celsius polar mesospheric or noctilucent clouds
Ionosphere- plays an important role in the propagation of radio waves via reflection around the globe
Thermosphere- home of the international space station, lower part of the exosphere, 1000 km above ground
Exosphere- the outermost layer of atmosphere, 600 km above ground and 10000 km thick, separate the earth's atmosphere from the outer space
Greenhouse effects- a phenomenon caused by greenhouse
Wind- result of the uneven heating of air masses which drives to convection currents
Land breeze- occurs at night when air mass over land rushes towards the sea
Sea breeze- occurs mostly at the day when air mass over sea rush towards land
Global wind system- compossed of the circulation and exchange of air masses among the wind belts
Coriolis effect- is the curving of wind due to earth's rotation
NortheastandSouthwestmonsoons- a low pressure area develops over either the land or sea and cooler air moves in from the other
Intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)- is a line along the equator, northeastern and southeastern air masss meet, known as doldrums or the calms among sailors
Tropical depression winds- 61kph
Tropical storm- 62-88kph
Severe tropical storm winds- 89-117kph
Outer core- iron-sulfur, mixture moves by convection
Inner core- iron-nickel, alloy
Mantle- olivine (magnesium-iron, silicate)
Crust- continental: granite, silica and aluminum. Oceanic: basalt; silica and magnesium
Geodynamo- responsible for the geomagnetic field of the planet, protects the planet from harmful effects of solar wind
Lithosphere- hard rigid outer layer of the earth's crust
Minerals- naturally occuring, inorganic, solid matter and that are of definite chemical composition
Propertiesofminerals- color, streak, luster, hardness (moh's scale), crystal form, cleavage and fracture, specific gravity
Rocks- composed of one or more minerals
Igneous rock- formed from cooled lava; can either be extrusive or intrusive (plutonism)