The scientific study of behavior and mental processes
Outward or overt actions and reactions
Mental processes
Internal, covert activity of our minds
Why psychology is science: Prevent possible biases from leading to faulty observations, Precise and careful measurement
Islamic overview of psychology
The scientific study of the manifestation of the soul in the form of behaviours and mental processes
Psychology's four goals
A general explanation of a set of observations or facts
Difference between theory and fact
Unscientific "psychologists"
"Bomoh," your grandmother
1st year psychology students who think they are qualified to practice psychology
Pop psychology and self-help motivators e.g. NLP, Mid-brain activation, Numerology, Hypnotherapy, etc.
Careers in the field of psychology
Basic (Theoretical) Psychology
Applied (Practical) Psychology
Basic psychology fields
Abnormal Psychology
Biological psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Comparative Psychology
Cultural Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Personality Psychology
Social Psychology
Psychological Statistics & Psychometrics
Applied psychology fields
Clinical Psychology
Consumer Psychology
Counselling Psychology
Educational Psychology
Engineering Psychology
Environmental Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Health Psychology
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Political Psychology
Sport Psychology
Other emerging areas of psychology
Aviation Psychology
Economic Psychology
Family Psychology
Musical Psychology
Psychology of Religion
Space Psychology
Traffic Psychology
Medical doctor who has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders
Psychiatric social worker
Social worker with some training in therapy methods who focuses on the environmental conditions that can have an impact on mental disorders
Focused on structure or basic elements of the mind
Objective introspection
Process of objectively examining and measuring one's thoughts and mental activities
How the mind allows people to adapt, live, work, and play
Gestalt psychology
"Good figure" psychology that studied sensation and perception
Theory and therapy based on the work of Sigmund Freud, focusing on the unconscious mind and repressed urges
The science of behavior that focuses on observable behavior only
Seven modern perspectives in psychology
Achieving one's full potential or actual self
Scientific method
1. Perceive the question
2. Form a hypothesis
3. Test the hypothesis
4. Draw conclusions
5. Report your results
Naturalistic observation
Watching animals or humans behave in their normal environment
Observer effect
Tendency of people or animals to behave differently from normal when they know they are being observed
Participant observation
Naturalistic observation in which the observer becomes a participant in the group being observed
Observer bias
Tendency of observers to see what they expect to see
Blind observers
People who do not know what the research question is
Laboratory observation
Watching animals or humans behave in a laboratory setting
Case study
Study of one individual in great detail
Observational study of
Children at the playground
Athletes at the stadium
Buyers at the supermarket
Animal at the jungle
Laboratory observations
If you observe them in the lab
Case study
Study of one individual in great detail
Advantage: tremendous amount of detail
Disadvantage: cannot apply to others
Case-study of
A brain-injured patient
A patient with genetically-based disorder
A genius who produce extraordinary work
A person who underwent a traumatic event
Researchers will ask a series of questions about the topic under study
Given to a representative sample - randomly selected sample of subjects from a larger population
Advantages: Data from large numbers of people, Study covert behaviors
Disadvantages: Have to ensure representative sample, People are not always accurate (courtesy bias)
Survey of
Attitudes towards the environment
Attitudes towards a political party
Attitudes towards gender, race, religion
Attitudes towards psychologists
Random Sampling from Population
1. Population
2. Sample
3. Inference
Anything that can change or vary
A measure of the relationship between two variables<|>Correlation coefficient (r) represents direction and strength of the relationship<|>Knowing the value of one variable allows researchers to predict the value of the other variable