hip and pelvis

Cards (63)

  • Innominate Bone
    Also known as: Coxal Bone, OS Coxae
  • Innominate Bone
    Composed of: Ilium + pubis + ischium (bounded by triradiate ligament)
  • Ilium
    • Largest part of the innominate bone (Anterosuperior)
  • Pubis
    • Smallest part of the innominate bone (Anteroinferior)
  • Functions of the Pelvis
    • Transmits weight of the body from the vertebral column to the lower extremity
    • Contains and supports organs
    • Attaches lower extremity to the axial skeleton
    • Attachment of trunk and lower extremity muscles
  • Formation of the Acetabulum
    1. 40% Ilium
    2. 40% Ischium
    3. 20% Pubis
  • Acetabulum
    Ossifies by 20-25 years old by the Triradiate Cartilage / Ypsiloformis Ligament
  • Iliac Crest
    • Highest point, L4 level, Attachment of the Tensor Fascia Latae
  • ASIS
    Attachment of the longest muscle of the body "Tailor's Muscle"
  • Inguinal Ligament
    Also known as Poupart's Ligament (ASIS to Pubic Tubercle)
  • AIIS
    • Attachment site of the Straight Head of the Rectus Femoris
    • Ligament: Iliofemoral Ligament
  • PSIS
    • Dimple of Venus, S2 level, Middle of SI joint
  • Iliac Tubercle
    • 2 inches above ASIS and 2 inches below iliac crest, Level: L5, Origin of: ITB
  • Iliac Fossa
    • Attachment of Illacus Muscle
  • Greater Sciatic Notch
    • Part of the Ilium
  • Lesser Sciatic Notch
    • Part of the Ischium
  • Greater Sciatic Foramen
    Contents: Superior: Sup. Gluteal N., Sup. Gluteal Arteries and Veins<|>Inferior: Sciatic N., Post. Cut. N. of the thigh, Pudendal N., Inf. Gluteal N., artery and veins, Internal Pudendal artery and veins, N. to obturator Infernus, N. to Quadratus Femoris
  • Fat Wallet Syndrome
    Piriformis Syndrome
  • Lesser Sciatic Foramen
    • Exit of gluteal region to the perineum
    • Contents: Internal Pudendal Artery and Vein, Pudendal Nerve, N. to Obturator Internus, N. to quadratus Femoris, Tendon in Obturator Internus
  • Ischial Tuberosity
    • Also known as Sit Bone, MC site of pressure ulcer, Mm Attachments: Hamstrings (except short head of biceps fem.), Gemmelus Inferior and Quadratus Femoris
  • Ischial Spine
    • Mm Attachment: Gemmelus Superior
    • Ligament: Sacrospinous Ligament
  • Ischial Ramus
    • Mm Attachment: Adductor Magnus
    • Originating Muscles: Garcilis, Obturator Internus and Externus
  • Pubis
    • Contains the 5 major adductors: Pectineus (Sup.), Adductor Longus (Body), Adductor Magnus (Inf.), Gracilis (Inf.), Adductor Brevis (Inf.)
  • Sacrum
    • 5 fused vertebra, Sacral canal, Sacral Promontory, Lateral Mass / ala, Ant. And post. Sacral foramina, Lat. And med. Sacral crest, Mm anterior: Piriformis, Mm posterior: G-max
  • Coccyx
    • 4 fused vertebrae, Tail Bone
  • Pelvic Inlet
    Formed by the symphysis pubis, iliopectineal line and sacral promontory, Divides pelvis into true and false pelvis
  • Pelvic Outlet
    Formed by coccyx posteriorly, ischial tuberosity laterally and pubic arch anteriorly, Contains mm of the pelvic floor, Separates pelvic cavity from perenium
  • True Pelvis
    Lower portion (contains organs for reproduction)
  • False Pelvis
    Superior portion (contains abdominal cavity)
  • Boundaries of the Pelvis
    • Anterior: Lower Abdominal Wall
    • Lateral: Iliac Fossa + Iliacus
    • Posterior: Lumbar Vertebra
  • Differences between Female and Male Pelvis
    • False Pelvis: Female - Shallow, Male - Deeper
    • Pelvic Inlet: Female - Oval, Male - Heart Shape
    • Pelvic Outlet: Female - Larger, Male - Smaller
    • Pubic Arch: Female - Round > 90 deg, Male - Narrow < 90 deg
    • Sacrum: Female - Wider & Shorter, Male - Longer, Narrower and more prominent
  • Types of Female Pelvis
    • Gynecoid – Typical
    • Android – Funnel shaped
    • Anthropoid – Long, narrow oval shape
    • Platypeloid – Wide pelvis, flattened at the brim
  • Acetabulum
    • Forms ½ sphere "vinegar cup), Deeper (more stable), Content: Ligamentum Teres, Fat Pad, Synovial Membrane and Synovial Fluid
  • Ligamentum Teres
    Conduit of blood vessel supplying the femoral head
  • Acetabulum: Parts
    • A. Lunate – articulating surface of the acetabulum
    • B. Acetabular Fossa – non-articulating portion. Reservoir of synovial fluid and for proprioception
    • C. Acetabular Labrum aka Cotyloid Ligament – Deepens the joint
  • Femur
    • Largest, longest and heaviest
    • Femoral Head Orientation: SAP
    • Fovea Capitis: Ligamentum Teres
    • Femoral Neck: MC site of fracture in Femur
  • Red Carpet Muscles
    • Piriformis
    • Obturator Internus
    • Obturator Externus
    • Gemellus Superior
    • Gemellus Inferior
    • Quadratus Femoris
  • Normal Angle of Inclination
    125 degrees
  • Sacroiliac Joint
    Di-arthrodial joint, Moving but no muscles is involved
  • Sacroiliac Joint Movements
    1. Nutation: Iliac crest approximates, Ischial tuberosities move apart, Inlet: Smaller, Outlet: Larger, Sacral promontory moves anteroinferior, Coccyx moves superiorly
    2. Counternutation: Iliac crest moves apart, Ischial tuberosities approximates, Inlet: Larger, Outlet: Smaller, Sacral Promontory moves posterosuperior, Coccyx moves inferiorly