The scientific study of how an individual'sthoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced byother people
Four Key Aspects of Social Psychology
Influenced by other people
Thoughts (cognition)
Feelings (affect)
Influenced by other people
As long as someone is being affectedin any way by other people, including their imagined presence, the situation is relevant tosocialpsychology
Thoughts, feelings and behavior
Thoughts (cognition): How individuals processinformationabout other people and how they store theinformationin their memory
Feelings (affect): How people form prejudiceagainst other people and how they showaffection for their friends and lovers
Behavior: To understand why various kinds ofaction towardsother people occur or do not occur
Take the perspective of individuals in asocialsetting, rather than focusing only on objective features of the situation
Scientific Study
Rely on directtestsof their ideas; Scientific evidence is necessary before a proposal will be taken seriously
Heman Melville: 'Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads'
Social Psychology aims
How much of our social world is just in our heads?
Would you be cruel if ordered?
To help, or to help oneself?
Other People Affects us by
The Power ofSituation: We are creatures of ourcultureand contexts
The Power of thePerson: We are also creators of oursocialworlds
The Importance ofCognition: People react differently partly because they think differently
The Applicability of Social Psychological Principles: Applying their concepts and methods to currentsocialconcerns, such as emotional well-being, health, courtroom decision making quest for peace etc.
The Power of Situation: Evil situations sometimes overwhelm good intentions, inducing people to follow falsehoods or comply with cruelty
The Power of the Person: If a group is evil, its members contribute to (or resist) its being so. Facing the same situation, different people may react differently
The Importance of Cognition: Social reality is something we construct subjectively; our beliefs about ourselves also matter
Father ofWesternPhilosophy
According to Plato, People experience the world in 3 distinct ways
Aristotle stated that he connection with others forms an essential part of who we are
Social Contract
The idea that tosurviveandprosper, human groups have to develop some basic rules of social moral conduct
The field of Psychologyseparated fromPhilosophy and became a discipline
Middle 19th Century
Norman Triplett (1898)
Conducted the firstempiricalstudy that could be classified associalpsychology in nature
William McDougal & Edward Ross (1908)
Published the first two textbooks in Social Psychology
Two critical events occurred that had an impact in development of Social Psychology: Great Depressionin the United States (US) and World War II
1930's to 1940's
Kurt Lewin
Father of ModernSocial Psychology
Social Psychology flourished
1950's to 1960's
Social Psychology reached scientific maturity
1970'sto present: recognition of genderandracial bias; culture specificity
4 Different Perspectives of Social Psychology
Social LearningPerspective
Social CognitivePerspective
Socio-Cultural Perspective
Socialbehaviors reside in thesocialgroup that we find ourselves going along "social currents"
Phenomena where a large group of people collectively exhibitsintenseenthusiasm, ideas orbehavior
Social Norms
Rulesabout appropriatebehavior
Set ofbeliefs, customs, habits, languageshared by people living in a particular time and place
Evolutionary Perspective
Humansocialbehaviors are rooted in physical and psychological predispositionsthat helped our ancestorssurviveand reproduce
Natural Selection
Characters that help animalssurviveare passed on to theiroffspring
Social behavior is driven by each individual's past learning experiences with reward and punishment
Social Cognitive Perspective
Social Behavior is driven by each person's subjective interpretations of events in the social world
Emphasizes the role of problem solving, decision making, understanding how social influence shapes individual behavior and attitude
Kurt Lewin
A person's interpretation of a situation is related to his goal at that time
Interaction between inner experience and the outside world