Embedded languages - code is embedded within a Web page (either an HTML or XHTML document)
Writing PHP scripts
Within code declaration blocks - separate sections within a Web page that are interpreted by the scripting engine
The individual lines of code that make up a PHP script
A procedure (or individual statements grouped into a logical unit) that performs a specific task
Lines that contain various types of remarks, including the name of the script, your name and the date you created the program, notes to yourself, or instructions to future programmers
Comments do not display in the browser
The values a program stores in computer memory
The name you assign to a variable
Information that cannot change during the course of program execution
Data type
The specific category of information that a variable contains
PHP is a loosely-typed programming language
A positive or negative number or zero, with no decimal places
Floating-point number
Contains decimal places or is written in exponential notation
Boolean value
A logical value of TRUE or FALSE
Contains a set of data represented by a single variable name
A single literal value or variable or a combination of literal values, variables, operators, and other expressions that can be evaluated by the PHP scripting engine to produce a result
Variables and literals contained in an expression. A literal is a value such as a string or a number.
Symbols used in expressions to manipulate operands, such as the addition operator (+) and multiplication operator (*)
Binary operator
Requires an operand before and after the operator
Unary operator
Requires a single operand either before or after the operator
Arithmetic operators
Used in the PHP scripting engine to perform mathematical calculations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Assignment operators
Used for assigning a value to a variable
Comparison operators
Used to determine how one operand compares with another
Conditional operator
Executes one of two expressions, based on the results of a conditional expression
Logical operators
Used to perform operations on Boolean operands
Casting or type casting
Creates an equivalent value in a specific data type for a given value
Operator precedence
The order in which operations in an expression are evaluated
Function definition
The lines that make up a function
Function parameter passed by value
A local copy of the variable
Function parameter passed by reference
A reference to the original variable
Global variable
Declared outside a function and available to all parts of your program
Local variable
Declared inside a function and only available within the function in which it is declared
Decision making or flow control
The process of determining the order in which statements execute in a program
If statement
Used to execute specific programming code if the evaluation of a conditional expression returns a value of TRUE
If...else statement
An if statement that includes an else clause. The else clause executes when the condition in the if...else statement evaluates to FALSE
Nested decision-making structures
When one decision-making statement is contained within another decision-making statement
Switch statement
Controls program flow by executing a specific set of statements, depending on the value of an expression
Loop statement
A control structure that repeatedly executes a statement or a series of statements while a specific condition is TRUE or until a specific condition becomes TRUE
While statement
Tests the condition prior to executing the series of statements at each iteration of the loop
Do...while statement
Tests the condition after executing a series of statements