Fieldwork enqury title: Has the regeneration of Stratford been successful?
Data collection
1. Chose 5 sites in advance using stratified sampling that included an area that had been regenerated and one not
2. Recorded scores of environmental quality between 1-5 at each site
3. Added up each score out of 50 and calculated an average
Strengths of the data collection method
Visited enough sites in an area that had been regenerated and one that hadn't to assess the impact of regeneration
Scores between 1-5 were given, so averages could be worked out and comparisons easily made between sites
The method was quick and easy to complete and suitable given the time constraints
Limitations of the data collection method
Only visited 5 sites, with only one in an area that had not been regenerated
The scale of 1-5 used was too small and therefore the differences between the sites were harder to record
The fieldwork was collected on a weekday in November, so opinion was affected by the weather and how busy it was
Data presentation
1. Drew 10 axis on a radar diagram and labelled each one with an environmental quality characteristic
2. Plotted the 10 scores on to each radar diagram, joining them up with a ruler
3. Coloured in between the points
4. Gave the graphs a title
Strengths of the data presentation method
The radar diagrams were easy to interpret and visually see the similarities and differences between the sites
Locating these on to a map of Stratford made it easy to see spatial patterns
It was easy to see that regenerated areas of Stratford had a better environmental quality
The graphs helped spot anomalies easily
Limitations of the data presentation method
The radar diagrams took a long time to draw
They were quite small as all 5 were placed on the same page, so certain points when closer to others were harder to interpret or read
There were some notable anomalies recorded, such as outside Stratford Station having a rating of 5 due to high quality buildings, despite the area having an average score of 2.8
Another anomaly was outside Westfield Shopping Centre, where a rating of 2 was given for noise even though the average for the area was 4.4
How can secondary data help us analyse the success (or otherwise) of regeneration in Stratford?
I could also have gathered data from the census and estate agents on unemployment rates, crime rates, house prices and educational outcomes.