Hand & Digits

Cards (23)

  • A. Projection:
    AP Thumb 1st digitB. Patient positioning:Seated at the end of the table. (Shield Gonads)C. IR placement:Centered on long Axis of the thumb. Hand in extreme medial rotation. Digits held back with tape or unaffected hand.D. CR angulation and location:Perpendicular to the MCP & Collimated to 1 inch on all sides and 1 inch proximal to the CMC joint.
  • A. Projection:
    Lateral Hand projectionB. Patient positioning:Seated at the end of the table. (Shield Gonads)C. IR placement.Centered to MCP Joints. Ulnar side of wrist against IR. Extended Digits. First digit (thumb) at a right angle to palm.Ca. "Fan Lateral": separate digits and abduct thumb. Use foam wedge if available.D.CR angulation and location:Perpendicular to the 2nd MCP joint. Collimate 1 inch on all sides. 1 inch proximal ulnar styloid.
  • A. Projection
    : Lateral First Digit (Thumb)B. Patient positioning:Seated at the end of the table (Gonads Shielded)C. IR placement:Centered to the MCP. Palmar surface naturally against IR. Arch the hand until the thumb is in true lateral.D. CR angulation and location: Perpendicular to the MCP Joint and collimated 1inch on all sided; 1 inch proximal to the CMC joint.
  • A. Projection:
    Lateromedial Projection 4th digit.B. Patient positioning:Seated at the end of the table (Shielded Gonads)C. IR placement:centered on the PIP joint. 4th & 5th digits resting on medial surface. Affected digit extended and immobilized. Adjust hand rotation for true lateral.D. CR angulation and location:Perpendicular to PIP joint of affected digit. Collimate to 1 inch on all sides.
  • A. Projection:
    Mediolateral Projection of the 2nd digitB. Patient positioning:Seated at the end of the table (Shielded Gonads)C. IR placement:centered on the PIP joint. 1st & 2nd digit resting on the lateral surface.D. CR angulation and location:Perpendicular to the PIP joint of affected digit. Collimated to 1 inch on all sides.
  • A. Projection:
    PA Oblique HandB. Patient Positioning:Seated at the end of the table. (Gonads Shielded)C. IR placement:Centered to the MCP joints. Forearm resting on table. Elevate index finger & thumb to open joint spaces. *Fingertips touch IR for metacarpal images. *Elevate first and second digits for phalanges. Use foam if available.D. CR angulation and location:Perpendicular to the 3rd MCP joint. Collimate to 1inch on all sides; 1 inch proximal to ulnar styloid.
  • A. Projection:
    PA Oblique Third FingerB. Patient positioning:Seated at the end of table (Gonads shielded)C. IR placement:Digit rotated lateral 45 degrees. IR centered to the PIP joint. forearm on table. Hand rotated laterally from pronation. Use foam if available.D. CR angulation and location:Perpendicular to the PIP joint of affected digit and collimated to 1 inch on all sides.
  • A. Distal Interphalangeal (DIP)
    B. Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP)
    C. Metacarpophalangeal (MCP)
    D. Intercarpals
    E. Distal radioulnar
    F. Radiocarpal
    G. Carpometacarpals
    H. Metacarpophalangeal (MCP)
    J. Interphalangeal (IP)
  • A. Phalanges
    B. Metacarpals
    C. Distal Phalanx
    D. Middle Phalanx
    E. Proximal Phalanx
    F. Distal Phalanx
    G. Proximal Phalanx
    H. Sesamoids
    J. Trapezium
  • A. Head
    B. Body
    C. Base
    D. Head
    E. Neck
    F. Body
    G. Base
  • Bennett Fracture
    Fracture at the base of the 1st Metacarpal (Thumb)
  • Boxer Fracture
    Fracture at metacarpal neck (usually the pinky or 5th metacarpal)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Chronic, systemic, inflammatory collagen disease.
  • Exposure Techniques
    Digits: 63 @ 0.6
    PA Hand: 66 @ 0.71
    OB Hand: 66 @ 0.8
    Lateral Hand: 70 @ 1.25
  • PA Projection for 2nd - 5th Digits Eval Criteria
    -Proper collimation
    Entire digit; tip to distal portion of metacarpal
    - No soft tissue overlap
    - No rotation shown by equal concavity on both sides of the phalangeal bodies
    - Equal amount of soft tissue on both sides of phalanges
    - Centered Fingernail
    - Open IP and MCP joint spaces
    - Bony Trabecular detail
  • PA Oblique 2nd - 5ht Digits Eval Criteria
    -Proper collimation
    -Entire digit distal to adjoining metacarpal
    rotated 45 degrees shown by concavity of elevated side of phalangeal bodies
    - No super imposition of proximal phalanx or MCP joint by adjacent digits.
    - Open IP and MCP joint spaces
    - Bony trabecular detail
  • Lateral 2nd - 5th digits Eval Criteria
    -Proper collimation
    -Entire digit from fingertip to distal portion of adjoining metacarpal.
    - No rotation
    - Fingernail in profile
    - Concave, anterior surfaces of phalanges
    - No superimposition of the proximal phalanx or MCP joint by adjacent digits
    - Open IP joint spaces
    - Bony trabecular detail
  • AP First Digit Eval Criteria

    -Proper collimation
    - Area from distal tip to thumb trapezium.
    - No rotation
    - Concavity of phalangeal and metacarpal bodies.
    - Equal amount of soft tissue on both sides of phalanges.
    - Thumbnail in center of distal thumb
    - Overlap of soft tissue profile of palm over midshaft of first metacarpal
    - Open IP and MCP joint spaces with no bone overlap
    - Bony trabecular detail
  • PA OBL First Digit Eval Criteria
    - Proper collimation
    - Area from distal tip of thumb to trapezium
    - Proper rotation 45 degrees
    - Concave surface of elevated of proximal phalanx and metacarpal.
    - Open IP and MCP joint spaces
    - Bony trabecular detail
  • Lateral First Digit Eval Criteria

    - Proper Collimation
    - Area from distal tip of thumb to trapezium
    - No rotation
    - Concave anterior surface of proximal phalanx and metacarpal.
    - Thumb in profile
    - Open IP and MCP joint spaces
    - Bony trabecular detail
  • PA Hand Eval Criteria
    - Proper collimation
    - Anatomy from fingertips to distal radius and ulna
    - Slightly separate digits with no soft tissue overlap
    - No rotation of hand
    - Equal concavity of metacarpal and phalangeal bodies
    - Equal amount of soft tissue on both sides of phalanges
    - Fingernails in center of distal phalanx
    - Equal distant between metacarpal heads
    - Open MCP and IP joints
    - Bondy trabecular detail.
  • PA OBL Hand Eval Criteria
    - Proper collimation
    - Anatomy from fingertips to distal Radius and Ulna
    - Digits separated slightly with no soft tissue overlap
    - 45 degrees of rotation
    - Decreased amount of metacarpal seperation between 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th bodies.
    - Partial superimposition of 3rd, 4th, & 5th, metacarpal bases and heads
    - Open MCP Joints
    - Open IP joints when digits are Parallel to IR*
    - Bony Trabecular
  • Lateral Hand Eval Criteria
    - Proper Collimation
    - Anatomy of fingertips to distal Radius and Ulna
    - Extended digits
    - Hand in true lateral position
    - Superimposed phalanges
    - Superimposed metacarpals
    - Superimposed distal Radius and Ulna
    - Thumb free of motion and superimposition
    - Bony Trabecular