learning theory AO3

Cards (8)

  • A criticism of learning theory is that it is largely based on studies of non-human animals such as Skinner’s research with pigeons
    • Behaviourists believe that humans are no different from other animals in terms of how they learn.
    • Therefore, they argue that it is legitimate to generalise the results from animal studies to humans.
    • However, whilst some aspects of human behaviour can be explaining by conditioning, not all behaviour can, especially a complex behaviour like attachment
  • What do learning theory studies being based on non-human animals suggest about attachment?
    This suggests that learning theory may present an oversimplified view of human attachment.
  • The main limitation of learning theory as an explanation for attachment is that it suggests that food is the key element in the formation of attachment.

    • However, a range of animal studies have shown that young animals do not necessarily attach to (or imprint on) those who feed them.
    • Lorenz’s geese imprinted before they were fed and maintained these attachments regardless of who fed them.
    • Harlow’s monkeys attached to a soft surrogate in preference to a wire one that dispensed milk.
  • What does food not being the key element in the formation of attachment suggest ?
    This suggests that attachment does not develop as a result of feeding. Therefore, the same must be true of humans (i.e. food does not create an attachment bond) because behaviourists believe that humans and non-humans are equivalent.
  • Research with human infants also suggests that feeding does not appear to be an important factor in humans

    • For example, Schaffer and Emerson’s (1964) study found that 39% of infants developed a primary attachment to the person who did not feed them.
  • What does the 39% of infants developing a primary attachment to someone who didn't feed them suggest?
    These findings are a problem for the learning theory as they suggest that feeding is not the key element to attachment and so there is no unconditioned stimulus or primary drive involved.
  • Learning theory may not provide a complete explanation of attachment, but it has some value.
    • Infants do learn through association and reinforcement, but food may not be the main reinforcer.
    • It may be that attention and responsiveness from a caregiver are important reinforcers that assist in the formation of attachment.
  • What do reinforcers such as attention and responsiveness suggest?
    These reinforcers were not part of the learning theory account but may be able to provide some explanation of attachment.