Vocabulary and general knowledge

Cards (157)

  • Abrupt
    describes sudden change that occurs without warning.
  • Abstain
    The deliberate effort to refrain from an action, such as drinking alcohol or eating junk food.
  • Access
    A freedom to use Something as one chooses; the permission or ability to enter or approach specific entity or area.
  • Accountable
    Responsible for actions or explanations.
  • Adhere
    The process of binding one thing to another using glue, tape or another agent; refers to the action of maintaining loyalty or support.
  • Adverse
    In contrary, fashion; can cause harm; may also refer to something that is in opposition to one's interests.
  • Affect
    a clear influence on one's emotions.
  • Annual
    The duration of a single year; an occurrence that takes place once each year.
  • Apply
    To put something to use; having relevant or valid connections to something else.
  • Audible
    Capable of being heard.
  • Bilateral
    having two sides; may refer to something that affects both side of the human body.
  • Cardiac
    Concerning the heart.
  • Cast
    the process by something given shape through the pouring of a liquid substance into; a mold may also refer to the throwing of an object.
  • Cease
    to bring about a gradual end; refers to something that dies out or becomes extinct.
  • Compensatory
    an equivalent; the action of making a payment that serves as a counterbalance for another action
  • Complications
    a factor that presents a degree of difficulty; may also refer to secondary disease or condition.
  • Comply
    to carry out the wishes of another person; to perform in the manner prescribed by law
  • Concave
    a surface that is rounded inward like s bowl; surface that is arched or curved.
  • Concise
    straightforward and to the point; absent of all excessive detail
  • Consistency
    the agreement of each of the parts that constitute a whole.
  • Constrict
    to make something narrow by squeezing or compressing
  • contingent
    something that may happen; may also refer to something ok that dependent upon or condition by something else
  • Contour
    the line that represents the shape of curvy figure.
  • Contract
    An agreement between two parties that blinds each to perform certain actions.
  • Contraindication
    The presence of a symptom or condition that will make a specific treatment unadvisable.
  • Defecate
    To have feces removed from the bowels
  • Deficit
    A lack in an amount or quality of something such as money or rainfall.
  • Depress
    To press down; the lessening of activity or strength; an action in which something moves to a lower position.
  • Depth
    A quality of being complete and thorough.
  • Deteriorating
    To make inferior quality; to diminish in function or condition.
  • Device
    Something that devised or thought up; may be a piece of equipment designed for a specific task.
  • Diagnosis
    Determining the dysfunction / disease.
  • Diameter
    the length of line that passes through the body of an object.
  • Dilate
    To enlarge, extend or widen; to become wide like the pupil eye.
  • Discrete
    A separate entity; unique and separate from other things.
  • Distended
    Something that has been enlarged by force of internal pressure.
  • Dysfunction
    a hindered function a body system or organ.
  • Elevate
    To lift or make something higher; to lift in rank or title.
  • Endogenous
    the growth from a deep tissue; refers to conditions that arise from factors that are internal to an organ.
  • Exogenous
    The growth from superficial or shallow tissue; refers to condition caused by factors that are external to an organism.