Upanayana is 1 of most important samskaras. Sacred Texts- practices of Upanayana mentioned frequently in Vedic texts. Following the ritual, boys begin their formal and spiritual education. On the ceremony, the boy and mother share meal from same plates symbolising end of childhood and reliance on mother as his main teacher and caregiver. An auspicious day is chosen for the event based on the child's horoscope. Ritual is usually performed by boy's father or most senior male member of family. Recitation from the Vedas within the ceremony occur, with the Gayatri Hymn from Rig Veda being chanted 10 times. Purpose of human existence (Hinduism) is to attain Moksha and ride oneself from cycle of samsara. To achieve moksha, a HIndu must complete their duties (dharams). Ritual obliges participants to take on 5 daily dharmas- worship God, recite Vedas, honour elders/ancestors, offer food and shelter to poor, holy men and women, feed all animals. 3 Threads remind student about 3 debts. Only when debts are paid can moksha be attained. Karma and karmic consequences- shaving head symbolises removal of bad karma and start of new life. Twice-born - spiritual birth - a child into adult in Hinduism