palpate inguinal region for potential hernias - get patient to cough while holding down to feel for lump
get patient to breathe in while palpating liver/spleen --> usually hidden under ribcage
vomition involves the contraction of the diaphragm and anterior abdominal wall to increase pressure in abdominal cavity
green vomit = bile from small intestine past duodenum
examine abdomen with patient flat but one pillow, other times at 45 degrees
look for muscle mass, level of mentation, attachments, mobility aids, lines, stomas
start at hands, then head, then down to toes
Dupuytren contracture is an abnormal thickening of the skin in the palm of the hand, can cause involuntary curling over time
leukonychia = white spots on nails, indicative of stress during formation
palmar erythema = pregnancy/liver cirrhosis
palmar pallor = aneamia
asterixis = in liver failure, patient can't hold hands like to push something without involuntary shaking. keep up for 15 seconds. indicative of hepatic encephalopathy --> ammonia impedes brain function
angular stomatitis = cracked corners of mouth = indicative of anaemia
inspect mouth for ulcers, rotting teeth, can look at tonsils if necessary
pressure applied to the central arteriole in a spider naevi will cause blanching followed by refilling from the centre first
Gynaecomastia = chronic liver disease. Thumb and fore finger to pinch --> test for muscle vs fat (fat is softer)
Arms should be at sides for abdo axam
when viewing abdomen, look for scars, distension and masses
caput medusae = like a massive spider naevi around the umbilicus
oscultate renal arteries to rule out renal artery stenosis. normal veins have laminar flow. blockages will cause a whooshing sound. at level of L1 vertbrae
auscultate for bowel sounds. decreased distally = obstruction, increased proximally