
    Cards (40)

    • Asch's baseline procedure
      - 123 American men, each in a group with confederates.
      - Saw 2 white cards on each trial with lines A,B and C (comparison lines) on one card and line X on another (clearly resembling one of the 3 latter lines)
      - They said out loud which one they thought resembled line X the most.
    • Asch's findings
      - Participants gave the wrong answer 36% of the time.
      - Overall 25% of participants did not conform on any trails, which means 75% conformed at least once.
      - When participant were interviewed afterwards most said they conformed to avoid rejection (NSI).
    • Asch's group size variation
      - Varied the number of confederates from 1 to 15.
      - Found a curvilinear relationship.
      - With 3 confederates, conformity to the wrong answer rose to 31%.
    • Asch's unanimity variation

      - Introduced a confederate who disagreed with the other confederates.
      - Genuine participant conformed less often in the presence of the dissenter.
    • Asch's task difficulty variation
      - Increased the difficulty of the line-judging task.
      - Conformity increased.
    • Limitations of Asch's research

      Artificial situation and task
      - Participants knew they were in a research study and may simply have gone along with what was expected (demand characteristics).

      Limited application
      - The US is an individualist culture.
      - Similar conformity studies conducted in collectivist cultures have found that conformity rates are higher.

      Ethical issues
      - Participants were deceived because they thought the other people involved in the procedure were also genuine participants like themselves.
      - HOWEVER, it is worth bearing in mind that this ethical cost should be weighed up against the benefits gained from the study.
    • Strengths of Asch's research
      Research support
      - Lucas et al (2006) asked participants to solve easy and hard maths questions.
      - Participants were given answers from 3 other students.
      - Participants conformed more often when the problems were harder.
      - HOWEVER, conformity is more complex than Asch suggested. Participant with high confidence in maths abilities conformed less.
    • Types of conformity
    • Internalisation
      - A deep type of conformity where we take on the majority view because we accept it as correct.
      - It leads to a far-reaching and permanent change in behaviour, even when the group is absent.
    • Identification
      - Publicly change our opinions to be accepted by the group, even if we don't privately agree with everything the group stands for.
    • Compliance
      - Only a superficial change.
      - A particular behaviour stops as soon as group pressure stops.
    • Informational social influence
      The influence other people have on us because we want to be right.
    • Normative social influence
      Influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval
    • Strengths for conformity
      Research support for NSI
      - Asch's research

      Research support for ISI
      - Lucas et al's research
    • Limitations for conformity
      Individual differences in NSI
      - Some people are called nAffiliators - they have a strong need for affiliation.
    • The Stanford prison experiment

      - Zimbardo's study of the effect of roles on behaviour.
      - Participants were randomly assigned to play either prisoners or guards in a mock prison.
      - The study was ended early because of the "guards'" role-induced cruelty.
    • Stanford prison experiment findings
      - The guards became more abusive: waking prisoners in night to clean toilets with bare hands, degrading activities.
      - Some guards volunteered to do extra hours without pay.
      - When one prisoner had enough he asked for 'parole' instead of asking to withdraw.
      - 5 prisoners had to be released early because they were too unstable.
      - The study was terminated after only 6 days.
    • Stanford prison experiment conclusions
      Power of situation to influence people's behaviour, all roles conformed, even chaplain behaved as in prison not study
    • Strengths of Zimbardo's research
      - Degree of control over variables increases the internal validity of the study.
    • Limitations of Zimbardo's research
      Lack of realism
      - Participants' performances were based on their stereotypes of how prisoners and guards were supposed to behave.
      - HOWEVER, McDermott (2019) 90% of the prisoners' conversations were about prison life. 'Prisoner 416' later explained how he believed the prison was a real one.

      Exaggerates the power of roles
      - Only 1/3 of the guards actually behaved in a brutal manner.
      - Another third tried to apply the rules fairly.
      - The rest actively tried to help and support the prisoners.

      Alternative explanation
      - Reicher and Haslam (2006) used social identity theory instead to argue that the 'guards' had to actively identify with their social roles to act as they did.
    • Asch's baseline procedure
      - 123 American men, each in a group with confederates.
      - Saw 2 white cards on each trial with lines A,B and C (comparison lines) on one card and line X on another (clearly resembling one of the 3 latter lines)
      - They said out loud which one they thought resembled line X the most.
    • Asch's findings
      - Participants gave the wrong answer 36% of the time.
      - Overall 25% of participants did not conform on any trails, which means 75% conformed at least once.
      - When participant were interviewed afterwards most said they conformed to avoid rejection (NSI).
    • Asch's group size variation
      - Varied the number of confederates from 1 to 15.
      - Found a curvilinear relationship.
      - With 3 confederates, conformity to the wrong answer rose to 31%.
    • Asch's unanimity variation
      - Introduced a confederate who disagreed with the other confederates.
      - Genuine participant conformed less often in the presence of the dissenter.
    • Asch's task difficulty variation
      - Increased the difficulty of the line-judging task.
      - Conformity increased.
    • Limitations of Asch's research

      Artificial situation and task
      - Participants knew they were in a research study and may simply have gone along with what was expected (demand characteristics).

      Limited application
      - The US is an individualist culture.
      - Similar conformity studies conducted in collectivist cultures have found that conformity rates are higher.

      Ethical issues
      - Participants were deceived because they thought the other people involved in the procedure were also genuine participants like themselves.
      - HOWEVER, it is worth bearing in mind that this ethical cost should be weighed up against the benefits gained from the study.
    • Strengths of Asch's research
      Research support
      - Lucas et al (2006) asked participants to solve easy and hard maths questions.
      - Participants were given answers from 3 other students.
      - Participants conformed more often when the problems were harder.
      - HOWEVER, conformity is more complex than Asch suggested. Participant with high confidence in maths abilities conformed less.
    • Types of conformity
    • Internalisation
      - A deep type of conformity where we take on the majority view because we accept it as correct.
      - It leads to a far-reaching and permanent change in behaviour, even when the group is absent.
    • Identification
      - Publicly change our opinions to be accepted by the group, even if we don't privately agree with everything the group stands for.
    • Compliance
      - Only a superficial change.
      - A particular behaviour stops as soon as group pressure stops.
    • Informational social influence
      The influence other people have on us because we want to be right.
    • Normative social influence
      Influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval
    • Strengths for conformity
      Research support for NSI
      - Asch's research

      Research support for ISI
      - Lucas et al's research
    • Limitations for conformity
      Individual differences in NSI
      - Some people are called nAffiliators - they have a strong need for affiliation.
    • The Stanford prison experiment
      - Zimbardo's study of the effect of roles on behaviour.
      - Participants were randomly assigned to play either prisoners or guards in a mock prison.
      - The study was ended early because of the "guards'" role-induced cruelty.
    • Stanford prison experiment findings
      - The guards became more abusive: waking prisoners in night to clean toilets with bare hands, degrading activities.
      - Some guards volunteered to do extra hours without pay.
      - When one prisoner had enough he asked for 'parole' instead of asking to withdraw.
      - 5 prisoners had to be released early because they were too unstable.
      - The study was terminated after only 6 days.
    • Stanford prison experiment conclusions
      Power of situation to influence people's behaviour, all roles conformed, even chaplain behaved as in prison not study
    • Strengths of Zimbardo's research
      - Degree of control over variables increases the internal validity of the study.
    • Limitations of Zimbardo's research
      Lack of realism
      - Participants' performances were based on their stereotypes of how prisoners and guards were supposed to behave.
      - HOWEVER, McDermott (2019) 90% of the prisoners' conversations were about prison life. 'Prisoner 416' later explained how he believed the prison was a real one.

      Exaggerates the power of roles
      - Only 1/3 of the guards actually behaved in a brutal manner.
      - Another third tried to apply the rules fairly.
      - The rest actively tried to help and support the prisoners.

      Alternative explanation
      - Reicher and Haslam (2006) used social identity theory instead to argue that the 'guards' had to actively identify with their social roles to act as they did.