Minority Influence

    Cards (24)

    • Minority influence
      The case where a minority of group members influences the behaviour or beliefs of the majority
    • Majority influence

      Occurs when the beliefs held by the larger number of individuals in the current social group prevail
    • Consistency
      - Minority influence is most effective if the minority keeps the same beliefs, both over time (diachronic consistency) and between all individuals (synchronic consistency) that form the minority.
      - It's effective because it draws attention to the minority view, and allows a deeper processing to happen which is important in conversion to the minority view.
    • Synchronic consistency
      People in the minority are all saying the same thing
    • Diachronic consistency
      All been saying the same thing for a long time
    • Commitment
      - Minority influence is more powerful if the minority demonstrates dedication to their position, for example, by making personal sacrifices (augmentation principle).
      - This is important as it shows the minority isn't acting out of self interest.
    • Augmentation Principle
      Greater weight is given to a particular cause of behaviour if there are other potential causes that would normally produce the opposite outcome
    • Flexibility
      - Nemeth (1986) argued that relentless consistency could be counter-productive if it is seen by the majority as unbending and unreasonable.
      - Therefore minority influence is more effective if the minority show flexibility by accepting possibility of compromise.
    • The process of social change
      - The three factors make majority think more deeply about an issue.
      - Snowball effect - minority view gathers force and becomes majority influence
    • Snowball effect
      Events have momentum and build upon each other.
    • Strengths of minority influence
      Research support for consistency
      - Moscovici's slide study shows consistency matters.

      Research support for deeper processing
      - Martin et al study showed people engaged more with minority ideas.
    • Limitations of minority influence
      Artificial tasks
      - Mosocovici, identify colour of a slide.
      - Is not a way in which the minority would need to influence the majority.
      - Findings lack external validity.
    • Minority influence
      The case where a minority of group members influences the behaviour or beliefs of the majority
    • Majority influence

      Occurs when the beliefs held by the larger number of individuals in the current social group prevail
    • Consistency
      - Minority influence is most effective if the minority keeps the same beliefs, both over time (diachronic consistency) and between all individuals (synchronic consistency) that form the minority.
      - It's effective because it draws attention to the minority view, and allows a deeper processing to happen which is important in conversion to the minority view.
    • Synchronic consistency

      People in the minority are all saying the same thing
    • Diachronic consistency

      All been saying the same thing for a long time
    • Commitment
      - Minority influence is more powerful if the minority demonstrates dedication to their position, for example, by making personal sacrifices (augmentation principle).
      - This is important as it shows the minority isn't acting out of self interest.
    • Augmentation Principle
      Greater weight is given to a particular cause of behaviour if there are other potential causes that would normally produce the opposite outcome
    • Flexibility
      - Nemeth (1986) argued that relentless consistency could be counter-productive if it is seen by the majority as unbending and unreasonable.
      - Therefore minority influence is more effective if the minority show flexibility by accepting possibility of compromise.
    • The process of social change
      - The three factors make majority think more deeply about an issue.
      - Snowball effect - minority view gathers force and becomes majority influence
    • Snowball effect
      Events have momentum and build upon each other.
    • Strengths of minority influence
      Research support for consistency
      - Moscovici's slide study shows consistency matters.

      Research support for deeper processing
      - Martin et al study showed people engaged more with minority ideas.
    • Limitations of minority influence
      Artificial tasks
      - Mosocovici, identify colour of a slide.
      - Is not a way in which the minority would need to influence the majority.
      - Findings lack external validity.