Working Memory Model

    Cards (11)

    • Working memory model
      - An explanation of the memory used when working on a task. - Each store is qualitatively different.
    • Central executive
      The part of working memory that is responsible for monitoring and directing attention and other mental resources.
    • Phonological loop
      A component of working memory where we repeat verbal information to help us remember it
    • Phonological store
      Component of the phonological loop of working memory that holds a limited amount of verbal and auditory information for a few seconds.
    • Articulatory process
      Part of the phonological loop that repeats sounds or words to keep them in working memory until they are needed
    • Visuo-spatial sketchpad
      Codes visual information in terms of separate objects as well as the arrangement of these objects in one's visual field.
    • Visual cache

      Stores visual data
    • Inner scribe
      Records the arrangement of objects in the visual field
    • Episodic buffer
      A component of working memory where information in working memory interacts with information in long term memory (e.g.. relating information you are processing to a previous memory)
    • Strengths of the working memory model
      Clinical evidence
      - KF could process visual information but had poor STM ability for verbal information.

      Dual task performance
      - Baddeley showed that participants had more difficulty doing two visual tasks rather than a visual and verbal task, because two visual tasks compete in the same slave system
    • Limitations of the working memory model
      Nature of the central executive
      - Baddeley said the CE needs to be more clearly specified than just simply being 'attention'.