Improving the accuracy of EWT

    Cards (8)

    • Cognitive interview
      A method of questioning witnesses that involves recreating the context of an event
    • 1. Report everything (Cognitive interview)
      - Witnesses are encouraged to include every detail of an event, even if it seems irrelevant or the witness is not confident about it.
      - Seemingly trivial details could be important and may trigger other memories
    • 2. Reinstate the context (Cognitive interview)

      - Returns to the original crime scene in their mind and imagines the environment and their emotions.
      - The context cues may trigger recall.
    • 3. Reverse the order (Cognitive interview)

      - Events are recalled in a different chronological order.
      - Prevents people using their expectations of how the event must have happened rather than the actual events also prevents dishonesty.
    • 4. Change perspective (Cognitive interview)

      Recall the incident from other people's perspectives, prevents the influence of expectations and schema on recall.
    • Enhanced cognitive interview
      Interview procedure that includes various principles of social dynamics in addition to the memory retrieval principles used in the original cognitive interview
    • Strengths of the cognitive interview
      Support for the effectiveness of the CI
      - Kohnken et al (1999)
      - Meta-analysis
      - Combined data from 50 studies
      - Enhanced CI consistently provided more correct info than standard interview used by police
    • Limitations of the cognitive interview
      Some elements may be more useful
      - Milne and Bull (2002)
      - Found that the 'report everything' and 'context reinstatement' aspects of the CI were key techniques in gaining accurate, detailed recall.
      - Supports CI as it shows some elements of it can be used to improve the accuracy of the information recalled.

      The CI is time-consuming
      - More time is needed to establish rapport with a witness and allow them to relax.
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