Romanian Orphan Studies

    Cards (11)

    • Orphan studies
      - These concern children placed in care because their parents cannot look after them.
      - An orphan is a child whose parents have either died or have abandoned them permanently.
    • Institutionalisation
      The effects of growing up in an institution, such as a children's home or orphanage
    • Rutter et al's research procedure
      - Followed a group of 165 Romanian orphans for many years.
      - The orphans had been adopted by families in the UK.
      - Physical, cognitive and emotional development were assessed at 4, 6, 11, 15 and 22/25.
    • Rutter et al's research findings
      - When first arrived in UK, half showed signs of delayed intellectual development and were severely malnourished.
      - When 11 years old, mean IQ of children adopted before 6 months was 102, compared with 86 for those adopted after 6 months.
      - These differences remained at age 16.
      - In terms of attachment, children adopted after 6 months showed disinhibited attachment.
    • Disinhibited attachment
      - Involves indiscriminate friendliness, lack of appropriate wariness of strangers, and difficulty participating in real, reciprocal social interactions.
    • Zeanah et al's procedure
      - Assessed attachment in 95 Romanian children aged 12-31 months who had spent most of their lives in institutional care.
      - Attachment type measured using Strange Situation.
    • Zeanah et al's findings
      - 74% of the control group were securely attached.
      - 19% of the institutionalized group were securely attached.
      - 44% of the institutionalized group had disinhibited attachment.
    • Rutter (2006) disinhibited attachment

      It is an adaptation to living with multiple caregivers during the sensitive period.
    • Intellectual disability
      A condition of limited mental ability, indicated by an intelligence score of 70 or below and difficulty in adapting to the demands of life; varies from mild to profound
    • Strengths of the Romanian orphan studies
      Real-world application
      - The research has improved psychologists' understanding of the effects of early institutional care and how to prevent the worst effects.
      - This can help improve institute conditions- key workers and less desirable option.
      - Children are able to develop normal attachments.

      Fewer confounding variables
      - Romanian children were put in care due to the parents' financial issues- which means they experienced no trauma before care.
      - This results in less confounding variables which could affect their development and the study.
    • Limitations of the Romanian orphan studies
      Lack of adult data
      - It will take a long time to gather this data because of the longitudinal design of the study.