Influence of Early Attachment on Later Relationships

    Cards (7)

    • internal working model
      A set of beliefs and expectations about how people behave in social relationships, and also guidelines for interpreting others' actions, and habitual responses to make in social settings.
    • Myron-Wilson and Smith (1998)
      - Used questionnaires to assess attachment type and bullying involvement with 196 aged 7-11 London children.
      - Secure children unlikely to be involved, insecure-avoidant most likely to be victims and insecure-resistant most likely to be bullies themselves.
    • Hazan and Shaver (1987)

      - Aim: investigate attachment in adult relationships
      - Procedure: love quiz in newspaper with questions about adult relationships and attachment history
      - Results: basically, the attachment of when you are a kid predicts what kind of love relationships when you're an adult
    • McCarthy (1999)
      - Studied 40 adult women who had been assessed for their attachment type as a child.
      - Found those who had been securely attached had best adult friendships and relationships.
      - Insecure-resistant women had trouble with friendships and insecure-avoidant had trouble with intimacy in romantic relationships.
    • Bailey et al (2007)

      - Demonstrates the effect that early attachment type can have on attachment with own child.
      - Majority of 99 women had same attachment type to their own mother as they did with their child - shows how attachment type is passed through the generations with the internal working model.
    • Strength of attachment and later relationships
      Research support
      - Fearon and Roisman (2017) concluded early attachment predicts later attachment, emotional wellbeing and attachment to own children.
      - HOWEVER, Becker-Stoll et al (2008) followed 43 individuals form the age of one year, at age 16 their attachment style was assessed and there was no evidence of continuity.
    • Limitations of attachment and later relationships
      Validity issues with retrospective studies
      - Most research isn't longitudinal.
      - Asking questions relies on honesty and accuracy.
      - Hard to know what is being assessed (is it early or adult attachment?)

      Confounding variables
      - Associations between attachment quality and later development may be affected by confounding variables.