Aetiologically heterogenous - one group of genes may cause OCD in one person but different groups of genes may cause disorder in another person
- also some evidence to suggest that different types of OCD may be result of particular genetic variations, such as hoarding disorder and religious obsession
Low levels of this neurotransmitter leads to abnormal transmission of mood relevant information and so mood and sometimes other mental processes are affected.
- Soomro et al (2009) reviewed 17 studies that compared SSRIs to placebos in the treatment of OCD.
- All 17 studies showed significantly better outcomes for SSRIs than for the placebo conditions.
- HOWEVER, Skapinakis et al (2016) carried out a systematic review of outcome studies and concluded that both cognitive and behavioural therapies were more effective than SSRIs in the treatment of OCD.
Cost-effective and non-disruptive
- Cheap compared to psychological treatments because many thousands of tablets doses can be manufactured in the time it takes to conduct one session of psychological therapy.
- If you wish you can simply take drugs until your symptoms decline.
Aetiologically heterogenous - one group of genes may cause OCD in one person but different groups of genes may cause disorder in another person
- also some evidence to suggest that different types of OCD may be result of particular genetic variations, such as hoarding disorder and religious obsession
Low levels of this neurotransmitter leads to abnormal transmission of mood relevant information and so mood and sometimes other mental processes are affected.
- Soomro et al (2009) reviewed 17 studies that compared SSRIs to placebos in the treatment of OCD.
- All 17 studies showed significantly better outcomes for SSRIs than for the placebo conditions.
- HOWEVER, Skapinakis et al (2016) carried out a systematic review of outcome studies and concluded that both cognitive and behavioural therapies were more effective than SSRIs in the treatment of OCD.
Cost-effective and non-disruptive
- Cheap compared to psychological treatments because many thousands of tablets doses can be manufactured in the time it takes to conduct one session of psychological therapy.
- If you wish you can simply take drugs until your symptoms decline.