Cards (40)

    • OCD
      an anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and/or actions (compulsions)
    • Behavioural characteristics of OCD
      - Compulsions (repetitive and reduce anxiety)
      - Avoidance
    • Emotional characteristics of OCD
      - Anxiety and distress
      - Accompanying depression
      - Guilt and disgust
    • Cognitive characteristics of OCD
      - Obsessive thoughts
      - Cognitive strategies to deal with obsessions
      - Insight into excessive anxiety
    • Diathesis-stress model

      A diagnostic model that proposes that a disorder may develop when an underlying vulnerability is coupled with a precipitating event
    • Candidate genes
      Genes that create a vulnerability for OCD, some of these genes help regulate serotonin.
    • Polygenic
      Trait controlled by two or more genes
    • Different types of OCD
      Aetiologically heterogenous - one group of genes may cause OCD in one person but different groups of genes may cause disorder in another person

      - also some evidence to suggest that different types of OCD may be result of particular genetic variations, such as hoarding disorder and religious obsession
    • Strength of the genetic explanations
      Research support
      - Nestdadt (2010) found 68% of identical twins shared OCD as opposed to 31% of non-identical twins.
    • Limitations of the genetic explanation

      Partial Explanation
      - OCD doesn't appear to be entirely genetic in origin and it seems that environmental risk factors can also trigger developing OCD.
    • Role of serotonin
      Low levels of this neurotransmitter leads to abnormal transmission of mood relevant information and so mood and sometimes other mental processes are affected.
    • Decision-making systems
      - OCD may be associated with abnormal functioning of the lateral of the frontal lobes of the brain.
      - There is also evidence to suggest an area called the left parahippocampal gyrus functions abnormally in OCD.
    • Strengths of the neural explanation
      Research support
      - Antidepressants that work purely on serotonin are effective in reducing OCD symptoms and this suggests that serotonin may be involved in OCD.
    • Limitations of the neural explanation
      No unique neural system
      - Many people with OCD experience clinical depression.
      - Having 2 disorders together is called co-morbidity.
    • SSRIs
      Increase serotonin levels in CNS by inhibiting their presynaptic reuptake
    • Combining SSRIs with other treatments
      SSRIs reduce the patients emotional symptoms which means that they can engage more effectively with CBT
    • Tricyclics
      A class of antidepressant drugs that increase the level of norepinephrine and serotonin.
    • SNRIs
      Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
    • Strengths of drug therapy
      Evidence for effectiveness
      - Soomro et al (2009) reviewed 17 studies that compared SSRIs to placebos in the treatment of OCD.
      - All 17 studies showed significantly better outcomes for SSRIs than for the placebo conditions.
      - HOWEVER, Skapinakis et al (2016) carried out a systematic review of outcome studies and concluded that both cognitive and behavioural therapies were more effective than SSRIs in the treatment of OCD.

      Cost-effective and non-disruptive
      - Cheap compared to psychological treatments because many thousands of tablets doses can be manufactured in the time it takes to conduct one session of psychological therapy.
      - If you wish you can simply take drugs until your symptoms decline.
    • Limitations of drug therapy
      Serious side-effects
      - Indigestion, blurred vision and loss of sex drive.

      Biased evidence
      - Researchers are sponsored by drug companies and may selectively publish positive outcomes for the drugs their sponsors are selling.
      - There is a lack of independent studies of drug effectiveness and also research on psychological therapies may be biased.
    • OCD
      an anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and/or actions (compulsions)
    • Behavioural characteristics of OCD
      - Compulsions (repetitive and reduce anxiety)
      - Avoidance
    • Emotional characteristics of OCD
      - Anxiety and distress
      - Accompanying depression
      - Guilt and disgust
    • Cognitive characteristics of OCD
      - Obsessive thoughts
      - Cognitive strategies to deal with obsessions
      - Insight into excessive anxiety
    • Diathesis-stress model

      A diagnostic model that proposes that a disorder may develop when an underlying vulnerability is coupled with a precipitating event
    • Candidate genes
      Genes that create a vulnerability for OCD, some of these genes help regulate serotonin.
    • Polygenic
      Trait controlled by two or more genes
    • Different types of OCD
      Aetiologically heterogenous - one group of genes may cause OCD in one person but different groups of genes may cause disorder in another person

      - also some evidence to suggest that different types of OCD may be result of particular genetic variations, such as hoarding disorder and religious obsession
    • Strength of the genetic explanations
      Research support
      - Nestdadt (2010) found 68% of identical twins shared OCD as opposed to 31% of non-identical twins.
    • Limitations of the genetic explanation

      Partial Explanation
      - OCD doesn't appear to be entirely genetic in origin and it seems that environmental risk factors can also trigger developing OCD.
    • Role of serotonin
      Low levels of this neurotransmitter leads to abnormal transmission of mood relevant information and so mood and sometimes other mental processes are affected.
    • Decision-making systems
      - OCD may be associated with abnormal functioning of the lateral of the frontal lobes of the brain.
      - There is also evidence to suggest an area called the left parahippocampal gyrus functions abnormally in OCD.
    • Strengths of the neural explanation
      Research support
      - Antidepressants that work purely on serotonin are effective in reducing OCD symptoms and this suggests that serotonin may be involved in OCD.
    • Limitations of the neural explanation
      No unique neural system
      - Many people with OCD experience clinical depression.
      - Having 2 disorders together is called co-morbidity.
    • SSRIs
      Increase serotonin levels in CNS by inhibiting their presynaptic reuptake
    • Combining SSRIs with other treatments
      SSRIs reduce the patients emotional symptoms which means that they can engage more effectively with CBT
    • Tricyclics
      A class of antidepressant drugs that increase the level of norepinephrine and serotonin.
    • SNRIs
      Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
    • Strengths of drug therapy
      Evidence for effectiveness
      - Soomro et al (2009) reviewed 17 studies that compared SSRIs to placebos in the treatment of OCD.
      - All 17 studies showed significantly better outcomes for SSRIs than for the placebo conditions.
      - HOWEVER, Skapinakis et al (2016) carried out a systematic review of outcome studies and concluded that both cognitive and behavioural therapies were more effective than SSRIs in the treatment of OCD.

      Cost-effective and non-disruptive
      - Cheap compared to psychological treatments because many thousands of tablets doses can be manufactured in the time it takes to conduct one session of psychological therapy.
      - If you wish you can simply take drugs until your symptoms decline.
    • Limitations of drug therapy
      Serious side-effects
      - Indigestion, blurred vision and loss of sex drive.

      Biased evidence
      - Researchers are sponsored by drug companies and may selectively publish positive outcomes for the drugs their sponsors are selling.
      - There is a lack of independent studies of drug effectiveness and also research on psychological therapies may be biased.
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