Experimental Method

Cards (8)

  • Aim
    What the researcher wishes to study, but with no expectations.
  • Hypotheses
    A testable prediction, often implied by a theory
  • Directional hypothesis
    The researcher makes it clear what difference is anticipated between the 2 conditions or groups.
  • Non-directional hypothesis

    Simply states that there is a difference but not what the difference will be.
  • Experimental method
    A method of investigation used to demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships by purposely manipulating one factor thought to produce change in another factor.
  • Independent Variable

    The experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied.
  • Dependent variable
    The outcome factor: the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable.
  • Operationalise
    Ensuring that variables are in a form that can be easily tested.