Longest part of git, from pylorus to ileocecal junction. Primary site of nutrient absorption
Duodenum 25cm long. C shape around head of pancreas. Begins at pylorus. Ends at duodenojejunal flexure.
Duodenum is retroperitoneal. Only proximal few cms covered by peritoneum
Superior part of duodenum ~5cm.Anterolateral to L1. First 2cms has a mesentery. Posterior to liver and gallbladder. Proximal portion attached to hepatoduodenal ligament and greater omentum
Descending part of duodenum 7-10cms. Right of the IVC. Curves around head of pancreas. Minor and major duodenal papillary on posteromedial wall.
Inferior (horizontal) part of duodenum. 6-8cms. Level with L3. Passes over IVC and aorta. Superior mesenteric artery and vein pass anteriorly.
Ascending part of duodenum ~5cms. L2-L4. Runs along aorta to body of pancreas. Duodenojejunal flexure supported by suspensory muscle of duodenum.
Both celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery supply the duodenum. Celiac trunk via the gastroduodenal artery and the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery. Superior mesenteric artery via the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
Duodenum. Lymph. Anterior = pancraticoduodenal, pyloric. Posterior = superior mesenteric
Jejunum 2/5ths SI. Starts at duodenojejunal flexure. Ileum 3/5ths SI length. Indistinct transition bw the two. Ileum ends at ileocecal Junction. Attached to posterior abdominal wall by mesentery
Jejunum has thicker wall than ileum. J fewer, but longer loops, more visible vasculature. I more short loops, fattier mesentery = less visible vasculature
Superior mesenteric vein joins splenic to form portal vein
Lacteals are specialised projections of intestinal mucous membrane. Absorb fat. Drain into 3 sets of lymph nodes; juxta-intestinal, mesenteric and superior central