Birth rate and effects of immigration are unproportionally exceeding the death rate
Low birth rate
Number of live births per 1000 people per year is low
Low population growth
A region having a low birth rate and death rate
describe the characteristics of cities
Sustainable cities
Cities that mitigate environmental pollution, hazards, and poor housing
The challenges faced by people living in cities are increased water and air pollution and competition for water and land resources
Cities are facing problems such as increased environmental pollution, hazards, and poor housing. Hence, there is a need to mitigate these effects to ensure cities are safe and sustainable
Strategies used to sustainably build cities
1. Reduce environmental pollution through enacting laws on air pollution
2. Manage hazards through land use planning
3. Construct safe housing
Such laws help to limit the number of vehicles on the road and thus lower air pollution and lessen traffic congestion
Land use planning
Making decisions on how land resources may be used for various purposes such as housing, recreation, and transport
Such land use plans help to keep people and buildings safe, and thus help build sustainable cities
Safe housing
Providing housing that is not densely packed and haphazard, lacks basic services, and are made of flimsy materials such as zinc or canvas sheets
According to the UN, the percentage of the world's population living in cities could rise from 30% in 2007 to 60% in 2030
Relationship between cities and rural areas
Connected by movement of people, goods, and services<|>Rural-urban migration<|>Provision of goods and services
Push factors
Why migrants leave their place of origin
Pull factors
What attracts migrants towards a destination such as the city
Opportunities for people in cities
Education and employment<|>Technological innovation
describe the characteristics of cities
large population size. cities are attractive to migrants and usually have alot of people who migrate thee to work or study due to the educational and employment opportunities they can offer.