D. dendriticum

Cards (8)

  • Dicrocoelium dendriticum is also called Lanceolate fluke
  • Infective Stage - Metacercaria
  • Intermediate Hosts of D. dendriticum:
    • 1st IH: Snail (Cionella lubrica) “slime balls”
    • 2nd IH: Ants (Formica fusca)
  • Final Host of D. dendriticum is Herbivores while man serves as an accidental host
  • Habitat of D. dendriticum is in Liver or Bile Duct
    • Blade or lancet-like shaped worm
    • Differs from C. sinensis that its testes are slightly lobed and situated in the anterior third
    • Has a large ventral sucker
    D. dendriticum
  • Diagnosis of D. dendriticum via demonstration of eggs in stool or in duodenal or bile fluid
  • Praziquantel: drug of choice