Locus of Control

    Cards (5)

    • What is Locus of Control?
      Locus of Control is a concept concerned with the level of control that we perceive we have over our own lives, with 'internal control' versus 'external control'
    • What do people with an internal LOC believe?
      They believe that the things that happen to them are largely controlled by themselves.
    • What do people with an external LOC believe?
      They believe that the things that happen to them are outside of their control.
    • Resistance to Social Influence and Locus of Control.
      People with an internal Locus of Control are more able to resist pressures to conform or obey. They believe that they are in control of their own actions and therefore take more responsibility for their actions. Due to this they base their decisions on their own believes rather than the believes of others.
    • Those with a high internal Locus of Control also tend to have traits which lead to greater resistance to conformity/obedience like being more self-confident, more achievement-orientated, having a higher intelligence and much less need for social approval than others.