Dietary Modification

Cards (27)

  • General Diets
    • Clear Liquid Diet
    • Full Liquid Diet
    • Cold Liquid (Yin) Diet
    • Soft Diet
    • Mechanical Soft Diet
    • Regular Diet
    • Light Diet
    • Vegetarian Diet
  • Clear Liquid Diet
    Consists of liquids without residue or fibers, used to relieve thirst and maintain water balance, diet used for 24-48 hours following acute vomiting, diarrhea or vomiting
  • Full Liquid Diet
    Nutritionally adequate diet consisting of fluids and foods that liquefy at body temperature, diet used for acute infections and fever of short duration and for patients who are ill to chew
  • Full Liquid Diet
    • milk, cream soups, cereal, soft custard, strained meat in broth, strained citrus fruits, tomato juice, vegetable puree, eggnog, yogurt
  • Cold Liquid (Yin) Diet
    Diet for patient undergone tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, allowance for ice chips, ice cream, sherbet, ice drops, popsicle
  • Soft Diet
    Nutritionally adequate diet differs from the normal diet in having reduced fiber content, soft consistency and bland flavor, used immediately between the full fluid diet and regular diet following surgery, acute infections, fever, and GI disturbances
  • Soft Diet
    • Meat and poultry are minced and ground, vegetables are cooked longer than usual, soft raw fruits may be used, soft rolls, bread or biscuits are used instead of crisp rolls, crust breads and toast, all desserts on a normal diet may be used
  • Mechanical Soft Diet

    Dental soft or mechanically altered diet, foods should be well cooked, easy to chew, chopped ground or minced, foods are best served moist or with gravy and sauce
  • Regular Diet
    Most frequently ordered among the house diets, also called general, house, full hospital diet, diet as tolerated
  • Light Diet
    A transition between the soft and regular diets, for elders who cannot tolerate rich and heavy foods
  • Vegetarian Diet
    Usually low in saturated fatty acid, cholesterol, and high fiber, with disadvantage of inadequate or low level of Vit B12, Iodine, Calcium, Zinc, Vit. B2 and Vit. D
  • Restricted Diets
    • Cholesterol restricted diet
    • Salt restricted diet
  • Controlled Diet
    Implies careful adjustment of levels of nutrients from day to day as needed, controlled CHON, K, Na
  • Dietary Modifications with Consistency
    • Acute Glumerulonephritis - Low Na, Low CHON
    • Acute Renal Failure - Oliguric Phase - Low Na, Low CHON, High CHO
    • Addison's Disease - High Na, Low K
    • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - Finger foods
    • Bipolar Disorder - Finger foods
    • Cerebrovascular Accident - Osterized Feeding with Low Na, Low cholesterol, High fiber
  • Sodium Restriction
    • Mild (3000 mg) - >1/2 teaspoon per day
    • Moderate (2000 mg) - ¼ teaspoon per day, 1 serving of processed foods
    • Strict (1000 mg) - No salt, No processed foods, Limit bread and milk
    • Very Strict (500 mg) - Sodium free, Restrict natural foods high in sodium
  • BRAT diet
    Banana, rice, apple, toast, indicated for patients with diarrhea
  • Butterball diet
    Spare protein but high in CHO, indicated with liver disorders
  • Giordano diet
    Spare protein, indicated for patients with CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE
  • Giordano-Giovannetti diet
    Meat and milk cannot be served simultaneously, a low-protein, low-fat, high-carbohydrates diet with controlled potassium and sodium intake, used in chronic renal insufficiency and liver failure
  • Kosher
    Diet for Orthodox Jews
  • Tyramine rich diet
    Use to prevent hypertensive crisis for patients who are taking in MAOI anti-depressant, No to ABC - avocado, banana, canned, processed, smoked, aging and fermented foods
  • South Beach Diet
    Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, a recommendation that those with high blood pressure consume large quantities of fruits, developed by the Miami-based cardiologist Arthur Agatston, M.D., who says that the key to losing weight quickly and getting healthy isn't cutting all carbohydrates and fats from your diet, but choosing the right carbs and the right fats
  • Monothropic Diet
    A diet that involves eating only one food item, or one type of food, for a period of time to achieve a desired weight reduction
  • DASH diet
    Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
  • Elemental diet
    A medical, liquid-only diet, in which liquid nutrients are consumed for ease of ingestion
  • Ketogenic diet
    A high-fat, low-carb diet, in which dietary and body fat is converted into energy, it is used as a medical treatment for epilepsy
  • Paleo diet
    Foods include meat, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts, fruits and veggies, along with healthy fats and oils, avoid processed foods, grains and sugar