This works alongside the nervous system to control vital functions in the body through the actions of HORMONES.
The Endocrine System - the effects of it vs nervous system
It works more SLOWLY than the nervous system (seconds insead of miliseconds) but has WIDESPREAD & POWERFUL effects
What are glands?
Glands are organs in the body that produce hormones which are secreted into the bloodstream and affect and cell that has the receptor for that hormone.
Hormones = just chemical
Where are all the glands in the body?
Where are all the glands in the body?
A) ?
B) ?
C) ?
D) ?
E) ?
F) ?
G) ?
H) ?
I) ?
Pituitary Gland
A major endocrine gland - known as the 'Master gland' BECAUSE it controls the release of hormones from all other glands in the body
Located in brain
Releases hormones like: LH, FSH, Growth hormone
Different hormones do different functions = LH&FSH is reproduction allowing release & growth of eggs in females, Growth hormone is growth for growing
Pineal Gland
Releases hormones like: Melatonin
Which is needed in metabolism
It regulates sleep/wake cycle
Located in brain
Thyroid Gland
Releases hormones like: Thyroxine
Which is needed for metabolism
This regulates weight loss/gain (amongst other things)
Located in neck
Thymus Gland
Releases hormones like: Thymosin
Needed for growth
Involved in the production of t-cells which help to protect body in immune system
Located in chest
Adrenal Gland
Releases hormones like: adrenaline
Needed for metabolism
To increase & regulation of visceral function
Found on top of Kidney
Pancreatic Gland
Releases hormones like: Insulin
Which is needed for metabolism
It regulates blood sugar level
Releases hormones like: Oestrogen
Which is needed in reproduction or growth or metabolism
It helps to regulate the menstrual cycle
Releases hormones like: Testosterone
Involved in reproduction and growth
It helps in the development of male characteristics
Hormones are secreted in the bloodstream and affect any cell in the body that has a receptor for that particular hormone