Situational Factors cause obedience and is linked hugely with MILGRAM'S STUDY as shown in THE VARIATIONS OF MILGRAM'S STUDY
Variations of Milgram's Study?
A) ?
Percentage of obedience in Milgram's ORGINGAL study
Percentage of obedience in location changed to a seedy office
47.5% (LOCATION)
Percentage of obedience experimenter called away on an urgent phone call and a member of the public took over his role
Percentage of obedience teacher & learner in same room
Percentage of obedience teachers forced learner's hand on plate
Percentage of obedience teacher supported by 2 other teachers who refused to obey
Percentage of obedience learner only participated after he agreed with the experimenter that he could be released when he asked (experimenter went back on his word)
Percentage of obedience Teacher paired with assistant who flicked the switch
Uniform as a situational factor causing obedience?
A) ?
Location as a situational factor causing obedience?
A) ?
Proximity as a situational factor causing obedience