gender bias

Cards (10)

  • beta bias
    exaggerating the similarity between men and women theories will misrepresent one gender
  • Androcentrism
    taking male thinking/behaviour as the accepted norm theories devalue and misrepresent women
  • Gynocentrism
    female thinking/behaviour as the accepted norm theorris devalue/misrepresent men
  • universality
    underlying characteristics, human beings that could be applied to all, despite differences of experience and up bringing
  • bias
    psychologists beliefs are influenced by social and historical context
  • Alpha bia
    Exaggerating or overestimating differences between genders, one is seen as more important than the other, theories devalue one gender
  • Example of alpha bias
    Freuds oedipus complex
  • Example of beta bias
    Fight or flight response
  • Example of gynocentrism
    Glasgow babies study
  • Example of androcentirsm
    Freuds research