Cards (10)

  • Mass Wasting
    The gravitational force of the earth acts directly on the loose material and the unstable slopes result the slide of the rocks and rock debris
  • Mass movement
    The movement of soil, regolith, and rock under the influence of gravity
  • Critical angle of repose
    The steepest angle that cohesion less slope can maintain without losing its stability
  • Types of mass wasting
    • Creeps
    • Landslides
    • Flows
    • Topples
    • Slump
    • Falls
  • Creeps
    • Long term process which refers to the small movements of soil or rock in different directions over time, directed by gravity
    • Speed is so slow that naked eye is not able to show the movement
  • Landslides
    • Includes the rock slides, slumps (short distance moving of rocks) & sturzstroms (more horizontal movement when compared to its initial vertical drop)
    • Landslides are most common type of mass wasting
  • Flows
    • Movement of the soil, dust, rock particles and bigger pebbles resembling the fluid behavior
    • Examples: avalanches, mudflows, debris flows, earth flow, lahars and sturzstroms
    • Water and air may contribute to the fluid like behavior
  • Topples
    • Rocks break away and fall from a slope
  • Slump
    • Slipping of the rock material
  • Falls
    • Rocks fell from the steep slopes such as a cliff face
    • Movement may be contributed by the earthquakes, rain, plant-root wedging, expanding ice, among other things