Controlled Drugs

Cards (14)

  • Prescription Only Medicines (POM)
    Medicines that can only be prescribed by an authorised healthcare professional
  • CD prescription writing requirements
    • Patient name and address
    • Drug name
    • Dose ('as directed' not permitted)
    • Formulation
    • Strength (where appropriate)
    • Total quantity/dosage units in words and figures (for liquids, total volume in ml)
    • Prescriber signature and address
    • Date of issue
    • For instalment prescriptions, specify the instalment amount AND instalment interval
    • The words "for dental treatment only" if issued by a dentist
  • The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has issued strong recommendations that prescriptions for Schedule 2, 3 and 4 CDs are limited to the quantity necessary for up to 30 days' treatment
  • Exceptionally, where a prescriber believes that a prescription for a CD should be issued for a longer period he/she may do so where there is a genuine clinical need and it does not pose an unacceptable risk to patient safety
  • Pharmacists can dispense prescriptions ordering more than 30 days' supply of any Schedule 2, 3 and 4 CDs
  • Prescription validity
    Prescriptions for Schedule 2, 3 and 4 CDs are only valid for 28 days from the appropriate date<|>Prescriptions for Schedule 5 CDs are valid for dispensing for 6 months from the appropriate date
  • Owings
    Any remaining balance of Schedule 2, 3 or 4 CDs must be dispensed within 28 days of the appropriate date on the prescription<|>For prescriptions for Schedule 5 CDs, the balance of an owing cannot be collected more than 6 months after the appropriate date
  • Repeat dispensing
    Schedule 2 and 3 CDs cannot be prescribed on repeat dispensing prescriptions<|>Schedule 4 and 5 CDs are permitted on repeatable prescriptions<|>Repeat dispensing prescriptions for Schedule 4 CDs must be dispensed for the first time within 28 days of the appropriate date, then any repeats are legally valid to dispense up to 12 months from the appropriate date<|>Repeat prescriptions for Schedule 5 CDs must be dispensed for the first time within six months of the appropriate date, then any repeats are legally valid to dispense up to 12 months from the appropriate date
  • Instalment dispensing
    For 'blue' FP10MDA prescriptions, the first instalment must be dispensed within 28 days of the appropriate date and the remainder should be dispensed in accordance with the directions on the prescription<|>There remains no provision to dispense CDs in instalments on a standard paper FP10 prescription form or via EPS
  • Prescribers can issue EPS prescriptions for all CDs including Schedule 2 and 3 CDs but are currently unable to issue instalment 'blue' FP10MDA prescriptions electronically
  • Amending typographical errors on paper prescriptions
    Pharmacists can amend prescriptions for Schedule 2 and 3 CDs to correct minor spelling or typographical mistakes, or to add the missing words or figures for the total quantity/dosage units<|>The pharmacist must exercise due diligence, mark the prescription with the amendment, and if more than one amendment, each must be countersigned
  • Identity checks and record keeping requirements
    There is a legal requirement for pharmacists to establish whether a person collecting a Schedule 2 CD is the patient, the patient's representative or a health care professional acting within their professional capacity, and record the details in the CD register
  • Collectors of CDs signing the back of prescription forms or tokens
    Best practice guidance to record the details of the person collecting a Schedule 2 or 3 CDs remains in place<|>Pharmacists may apply discretion on whether to supply CDs if the person collecting refuses to provide their details
  • When the CD is supplied, it is a requirement to mark the prescription with the date of supply at the time the supply is made